释义 |
鉤鉤 | 1117C20 81A.50-9 | 部居
| 畫數 13 | ㄍㄡ [gou1] . [Pop. ] | N. | (1) ([gou1zi0], [gou1er0]) A hook: 魚鉤 a fish-hook; 掛鉤 a hook on which anything can be hung; 衣鉤 a clothes rack, a coat hanger; 鉤形 hook-like; 秤鉤 the hook of a steelyard; 帳鉤 curtain hooks; 刈鉤 a sickle. (2) A barb: 倒鉤 inverted barbs; 鉤刺 barbs and thorns. (3) (AC) A hook-like sword. (4) (Calling.) a stroke with a hook. (5) A mark for checking off items in a list.
| V.t. | (1) To hook on: 鉤住 get hooked; 鉤出來 pull out (s.t.) with a hook; 鉤上了 be hooked up. (2) Sew with long stitches, baste; also crochet. (3) Make a searching study of: 鉤稽 [gou1ji1]↓; 鉤索義理 search out the most essential principles; 鉤心鬥角 to maneuver for positions against rivals. (4) (Var. 勾) entice, seduce: see 勾引,勾^搭 92.50.
| Words | 1. 鉤黨 [gou1dang3], v.i., (AC) form cliques. 2. 鉤爪 [gou1zhao3], n., talons. 3. 鉤針 [gou1zhen1], n., a crochet needle. 4. 鉤稽 [gou1ji1], v.t., to audit (accounts); to make critical exegesis (of anc. history, etc.). 5. 鉤扣 [gou1kou4], n., a hook. 6. 鉤兒 [gou1er0], n., a hook, a trap: 上鉤兒 be entrapped or ensnared; 鉤兒心 a crooked mind. 7. 鉤藤 [gou1teng2], n., (bot.) Ourouparia rhynchophylla, a woody vine. 8. 鉤子 [gou1zi0], n., a hook.