释义 |
鈞鈞 | 1117B35 81A.50-9 | 部居
![](Images/linyutang/Lexis/Lindict/Radical/rad_gif/rad167.gif) | 畫數 12 | ㄐㄩㄣ [jUn1] | N. | (1) An anc. measure of weight equal to 30 catties: 千鈞一髮 in a most dangerous condition (very critical situation) (“thousands of catties hanging by a hair”); 雷霆萬鈞 a crushing blow, a devastating punch, an irresistible force. (2) A potter's wheel. (3) A surname.
| Pron. | (Court. to highly placed person) your: 鈞座 [jUn1zuo4]↓; 鈞安 [jUn1an1], etc.↓.
| Adj. | (U.f. 均) equal, same: 鈞駟 [jUn1si4]↓.
| Words | 1. 鈞安 [jUn1an1], phr., polite complimentary close used in letters to superiors or elders. 2. 鈞啟 [jU3qi3], phr., (of letters to superiors) “to be opened by …” 3. 鈞鑒 [jU3jian4], phr., polite salutation used in letters to superiors or elders (“please be graciously informed hereby”). 4. 鈞命 [jU3ming4], n., (court.) your gracious commands. 5. 鈞駟 [jU3si4], n., (AC) a team of four horses of the same color. 6. 鈞座 [jU3zuo4], n., Your Excellency, Your Honor. 7. 鈞諭 [jU3yU4], n., (court.) your kind letter.