释义 |
醜醜 | 508A40 31C.70-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 17 | ㄔㄡˇ [chou3] | N. | (1) (Abusive) blackguard, scoundrel: 小醜 underling, scoundrel; 跳梁小醜 little rascal, scamp; 群醜 the rascals; 醜虜 a term of abuse of enemy. (2) Disgrace: 出醜 expose oneself to ridicule for clumsiness (awkwardness, incompetence, etc.), be exposed for s.t. immoral; 獻醜 (self-deprecating of performance) show my immature skill.
| Adj. | (1) Ugly, loathsome, unsightly: 醜婦 ugly woman; 醜臉 ugly face; 醜極了 frightfully badlooking. (2) Disgraceful, shameless: 醜話,醜事 [chou3hua4], [chou3shi4]↓; 醜行 [chou3xing4]↓; 醜史 story of s.o.’s shameless doings; 醜樣子 grisly appearance; 醜名 [chou3ming2]↓; 醜聲四溢 notorious; 醜態百出 behave in a revolting manner (show flattery, etc.). (3) (AC) matching: 天下地醜德齊 (AC) the countries are equally strong in territory and power.
| Adv. | Frightfully, horribly: 醜罵,醜詆 give a merciless scolding; 一頓醜打 beat up (person) mercilessly.
| Words | 1. 醜巴怪 [chou3ba1guai4], n. & adj., disfigured, monstrous-looking (person). 2. 醜惡 [chou3e4], adj., loathsome, despicable (conduct). 3. 醜話 [chou3hua4], n., scandal, scandalous gossip. 4. 醜類 [chou3lei4], (1) n., (LL, abusive) gang of scoundrels; [chou3lei4], (2) 比物醜類 (AC) to classify according to categories. 5. 醜陋 [chou3lou4], adj., ugly, loathsome, unsightly. 6. 醜名 [chou3ming2], n., bad reputation. 7. 醜行 [chou3xing4], n., notorious conduct, indecencies. 8. 醜事 [chou3shi4], n., a scandal. 9. 醜熊 [chou3tai4], n., disgusting manner.