释义 |
醒醒 | 504C45 31C.11-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 16 | ㄒㄧㄥˇ [xing3] (ㄒㄧㄥ [xing1] ). | V.i. | (1) To wake up, be awake: 他醒了 he is awake; 昏迷了又醒過來 come out of coma; 甦醒,夢醒 wake up from sleep, dream; 喚醒他 wake him up; 醒獅 awaken lion (oft. used to describe awakened China). (2) Sober up: 酒醒了 become sober; v.t., 醒酒 help to wake up from drink. (3) To realize one's mistake: 醒悟 [xing3wu4]↓.
| Words | 1. 醒腔 [xing3qiang1], v.i., (coll.) come to realize: 他總是不醒腔 (coll.) he would never come to realize his mistake, see [xing3wu4]↓. 2. 醒豁 [xing3huo4], adj., striking, bright in appearance. 3. 醒覺 [xing3jUe2], adj., wake up from (error, sleep). 4. 醒木 [xing3mu4]1, n., a gavel used by teahouse storyteller to call attention. 5. 醒目 [xing3mu4]2, adj., refreshing to the eye, attractive-looking (billboard, etc.). 6. 醒脾 [xing3pi2], (1) v.i., 醒人脾胃 to refresh one's mind; v.i., to make fun of: 你別拿我們醒脾 don't make fun of us; (2) adj., amusing, refreshing, appetizing (anecdote, etc.). 7. 醒世 [xing3shi4], adj., (moral tract, story) moralizing, calculated to make one reform. 8. 醒悟 [xing3wu4], v.i., to come to realize (truth, error); to reform. 9. 醒眼 [xing3yan3], adj., see [xing3mu4]2↑.