

ㄙㄨㄢ [suan1
N.An acid: 碳 carbonic acid;
hydrochloric acid;
sulphuric acid;
acetic acid;
phosphoric acid;
nitric acid.
Adj.(1)  Sour in taste: 溜溜,不啷(兒)的,不啷溜兒的 all meaning very sour.
(2)  Jealous: also 溜溜 very jealous (cf. 醋 31C.41).
(3)  Putrid, rancid: 咕囔的 very rancid in smell.
(4)  Feeling deeply touched in pity: 心 ditto;
(5)  U.f. 痠 61A.82, muscular ache.
(6)  Puritanical, pettily critical of others, narrow-minded: 寒,窮 poor and jealous of others;
文假醋 one who poses as a cultured gentleman, hypocrite, -ical.
Words1. [suan1bai4], adj., turned sour.
2. [suan1bi2], v.i., cause one's heart to ache: 令人鼻 makes one want to cry out of pity (describing a feeling in sinus).
3. [suan1qian1], adj., miserly.
4. [suan1qie4], adj., touching (words).
5. [suan1chu3], adj., mournful, heart breaking.
6. [suan1ding1], n., (contempt.) an unsuccessful and morose or crabbed person.
7. [suan1du4], n., acidity.
8. [suan1fu3], adj., puritanical, doctrinaire.
9. [suan1gen1], n., (chem.) acid radicals.
10. [suan1han2], adj., poor and unhappy (person) (=寒).
11. [suan1huai2], adj., sorrowful.
12. 漿 [suan1jiang1], n., (bot.) “Chinese lantern” or winter cherry, Physalis alkekengi (also called 燈籠草).
13. [suan1kuan3], adj., sour and aloof, conceited (person).
14. [suan1lan3], adj., (legs, body) limp and aching.
15. 辣湯 [suan1la4tang1], n., a sour-and-hot soup (of slices of bean curd and blood).
16. [suan1lei4], n., (chem.) acids.
17. 溜溜(兒) [suan1liu1liu0] ([er0]), adj., very jealous; very puritanical; (muscles) aching.
18. 梅湯 [suan1mei2tang1], n., wild-plum juice, a cold drink.
19. [suan1ruan3], adj., (limbs) limp.
20. [suan1xing4], n., acidity: 性岩 acid rocks; 性鹽 acid salts; 性反應 acid reaction.
21. [suan1xin1]1, (1) n., acidity in stomach; (2) adj., touching (=心).
22. [suan1xin1]2, adj., sad, hard-pressed, in hard circumstances.
23. [suan1teng2], adj., (muscles) aching.
24. 甜兒 [suan1tiarer0], adj., sweet and sour (dishes); 甜苦辣 all the sweet and bitter experiences of life.
25. 頭兒 [suan1tou2er0], n., slightly sour flavor.
26. [suan1cai4], n., sour pickled cabbage.
27. [suan1tong4], adj. ,see [suan1teng2]↑.
28. [suan1zao3], n., a wild date, Zizyphus vulgaris.





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