释义 |
部部 | 873A25 60S.22-3 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄅㄨˋ [bu4] | N. adjunct. | 一部書 a volume; 這部書 this volume.
| N. | (1) Part, region, division, section: 上部,下部 upper part, lower part, section; 外部,內部 exterior inner part; 頭部,頸部 the head, the neck, neck region; 前部,後部 (of body) the front, the back; 局部 part, partially. (2) Section of division of any organization; (of a government) ministry: 外交部,教育部 Foreign Ministry, Ministry of Education, etc.; (of department store) section (for shoes, ladies' wear, etc.): 售賣部 sales division: 購買部 purchase division, etc.; 部分 [bu4fen4], 部門 [bu4men2]↓. (3) One of four divisions in traditional library classification (四部), consisting of the Classics (經部), History (史部), Philosophy (子部), Collected Works (集部), see 四部 41.41. (4) Short for 部首 radical, see 部首 [bu4shou3]↓. (5) Army units: 部屬,部下,部陣 [bu4shu3], [bu4xia4], [bu4zhen4]↓.
| V.t. | (LL) command (troops): 所部甚眾 command many troops.
| Words | 1. 部隊 [bu4dui4], n., troops of a given unit. 2. 部分 [bu4fen4], n., part, in part. 3. 部會 [bu4hui4], n., term referring to the ministries and commissions or administrative units. 4. 部長 [bu4zhang3], n., (cabinet) minister; head at a department in organizations. 5. 部陣 [bu4zhen4], n., troops of a given unit in their appearance, discipline: 部陣整齊. 6. 部帙 [bu4zhi4], n., collection or set of books with reference to their quantity, condition: 部帙浩繁; see N. 3↑. 7. 部列 [bu4lie4], v.t. & n., arrange, arrangement, formation (of books, troops). 8. 部落 [bu4luo4], n., tribe, tribal region. 9. 部門 [bu4men2], n., section, class; classification. 10. 部下 [bu4xia4], n., troops or officers under a commander. 11. 部首 [bu4shou3], n., the radical, one of the 214 divisions in the Kangshi Dictionary, such as , 木, 火. 12. 部屬 [bu4shu3], n., troops under a certain commander. 13. 部署 [bu4xU4], v.t., put in order: 部署一切 prepare everything, as packing before departure. 14. 部位 [bu4wei4], n., part (of body, ship, etc.). 15. 部伍 [bu4wu3], n., troops of a certain unit. 16. 部院 [bu4yUan4], n., the ministries and the five [yUan2] (五院) of the government. 17. 部員 [bu4yUan2], n., member of staff of ministry, or military staff.