

ㄒㄧㄝˊ [xie2 (*ㄧㄝˊ [ye2).
Fin. part.(*[ye2], as var. of 耶) (AC & LL) interrogative particle at end of sentence (=modn. ): 豈其然 is that so indeed? also expressing doubtful attitude: 我以女為聖人 (AC) I thought you were a sage.
N.(1)  (Chin. med.) miasma, infected air of swamps, but more commonly malign of harmful air as cause of various disorders: [xie2qi4]↓;
([zhong4xie2]) infected by tainted air;
remove such effects.
(2)  Monsters, evil spirits: 妖 ditto;
Adj.(1)  Evil, wrong, corrupt, opp. 正 [zheng4], orthodox or right: 心,lewd, have an evil mind;
念,道,術,[xie2nian4], [xie2dao4], [xie2shu4], [xie2shuo1]↓;
路 walk in evil.
(2)  Underground, covered, unfair (tactics): 謀,計 immoral or underhand scheme.
Words1. [xie2qi4], n., (1) noxious or infectious air affecting health; (2) depraved, evil ways, atmosphere or influence in gen.
2. [xie2qU1], adj., base, vile, corrupt (ways, teachings).
3. [xie2dang4], adj., lewd, licentious (conduct).
4. [xie2dao4], (1) n., heterodox doctrines; n., impious, corrupt teachings; 道兒 immoral or illegal doings (gambling, smuggling, etc.); (2) ([xie2dao0]) adj., suspicious, devious: 都說這人來得道 they all say there is s.t. suspicious about this person.
5. [xie2fa3], n., black magic; witchcraft.
6. [xie2hao1], n., (bot.) a grass, Seseli libanotsis, var. daucifolia.
7. [xie2jUe2], adj., crafty.
8. [xie2mei4]1, adj., seductive.
9. [xie2mei4]2, n., demons.
10. 門兒 [xie2merer0], n., s.t. unorthodox or unexpected.
11. [xie2miu4], adj., absurd (opinion); depraved, corrupt (conduct).
12. [xie2mo2], (1) n., demons: 魔外道 heterodox doctrines; (2) adj., (person) devilish, quite a devil.
13. [xie2nian4], n. lewd or indecent thoughts.
14. [xie2ning4], n. & adj., flatterer, scheming or sycophant (person).
15. [xie2pi4], adj., unorthodox, depraved, queer (person, conduct).
16. (1) [xie2xing4], n., immoral conduct; (2) [xie2xing0], (a) adv., (coll.) very, terribly: 天氣冷得行 the weather is horribly cold; adv., 脾氣壞的行 has a very bad temper; (b) adj., odd: 這話問的有點行 it's a rather odd question (what a strange question!).
17. [xie2shu4], n., sorcery, black magic.
18. [xie2shuo1], n., heterodox or immoral doctrines: 異端說 ditto; teachings that lead one astray.
19. [xie2wei4], adj., false, deceitful (teaching, conduct).
20. [xie2yin2], adj., lewd, immodest, debauched.





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