释义 |
還還 | 684A35 41D.83-3 | 部居
 | 畫數 16 | ㄏㄨㄢˊ [huan2] (*ㄏㄞˊ [hai2] ). [Abbr. ] | N. | A surname.
| V.i. & t. | (1) To return: 還鄉 return to one's village; 還都 (of ruler) return to the capital (after absence or flight); 往還 to go back and forth; 和人往還 to have frequent contacts as between friends; 生還 return alive; 班師還朝 recall the army and return to court. (2) To return (borrowed object), to repay: 還賬,還債 repay loan: 還清兒 fully repay; 還人情,還禮 make gift in return; 還禮 also to bow in return; 還請 give a dinner in return for one given; 還繃子 ([huan2beng1zi0]) a tit for tat.
| Adv. | (*[hai2]) (1) Still, yet: 他還不來 he still has not appeared yet; 還有 still have some more; 還嫌不足 still regard it as not enough; 還是不行 still won't do. (2) After all: 還是他對 after all, he is right; 還是你自己走一趟 after all, you'd better go yourself. (3) Besides, in addition: 他還說 he says besides; 他還要一雙鞋子 he wants, besides, a pair of shoes; 還得謝謝他 in addition, you have to thank him.
| Conj. | 以還 (=以來) since: 庚子之亂以還 (LL) since the Boxer Uprising.
| Words | 1. 還報 [huan2bao4], n. & v.t., a retribution. 2. 還本 [huan2ben3], v.i., to recover capital invested: 夠還本 come out even. 3. 還魂 [huan2hun2], v.i., (fiction) “soul returns,” i.e., dead person revives after return of lover. 4. 還價 [huan2jia4], v.i., to haggle. 5. 還敬 [huan2jing4], v.i., to return bow or courtesy. 6. 還口 [huan2kou3], v.i., to talk back. 7. 還禮 [huan2li3], v.i., (1) to return courtesy; (2) to bow in return as host. 8. 還席 [huan2xi2], v.i., (1) to give a return dinner; (2) (facet.) to throw up everything when drunk at dinner. 9. 還手 [huan2shou3], v.i., to strike back after receiving blow. 10. 還俗 [huan2su2], v.i., (of monks) to leave the order, return to secular life. 11. 還嘴 [huan2zui3], v.i., to answer back in abuse or self-defense. 12. 還陽 [huan2yang2], v.i., (patient) to return to consciousness. 13. 還願 [huan2yUan4], v.i., to redeem a vow pledged before Buddha. 14. 還原 [huan2yUan2], (1) v.i., to be restored to original shape or position; (2) n., (chem.) reduction; (3) v.i., (math.) to return to original equation.