释义 |
適適 | 835C15 60.83 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄕˋ [shi4] (*ㄉㄧˋ [di4] ). | V.i. & t. | (1) (LL) to go: 何適 where are you going? 適秦,適宋 go to Chirn, to Suhng. (2) (LL) (girl) to marry s.o.: 已適人 already married. (3) To suit (taste, use, body, pleasure): 適口,適用,適體,適意 [shi4kou3], [shi4yong4], [shi4ti3], [shi4yi4]↓. (4) (*[di4]) (AC) to insist: 無適也,無莫也 (of Confu.) never insisted on doing or on not doing, also interpreted as without prejudice for or against person.
| Adj. | (1) Comfortable: 舒適,安適 comfortable, free and easy, contented; 閒適 contented, leisurely. (2) Proper, fitting, convenient: 適齡 of age; 適合,適宜,適當 [shi4he2], [shi4yi2], [shi4dang4]↓; 適者生存 survival of the fittest.
| Adv. | (1) Just: 適逢,適值 just happens (to be Sunday, etc.); 適逢其會 came just at the right time (some occasion); 適來 [shi4lai2]↓. 適到 have just arrived; 適可而止 not overdo a thing. (2) Just now, just a moment age: 適從何來 where did you just come from? 適閒 [shi4jian1]↓; 適纔 (才) [shi4cai2]↓.
| Words | 1. 適當 [shi4dang4], adj., fitting and proper (time, opportunity), just right (person for job), legally proper. 2. 適合 [shi4he2], adj., just right (of dress, shoes), just fit: 適合用處 just what one needs. 3. 適間 [shi4jian1], adv., just now, just a moment ago. 4. 適中 [shi4zhong1], adj., not extreme, moderate: 適中地點 central location. 5. 適口 [shi4kou3], adj., (of food, flavor) pleasing to the palate. 6. 適來 [shi4lai2], adv., (MC) just now, see [shi4cai2]↓. 7. 適然 [shi4ran2], adj. & adv., (1) (LL) occasionally; (2) (LL) proper, -ly. 8. 適體 [shi4ti3], adj., appropriate (composition), in proper form. 9. 適纔(才) [shi4cai2], adv., just a moment ago: 適才走了 had just left. 10. 適從 [shi4cong2], v.t., to follow, choose (line of action, etc.). 11. 適意 [shi4yi4], adj., enjoyable, comfortable (chair, position). 12. 適應 [shi4ying1], v.t. & n., to adapt, -ation (to need, situation, environment). 13. 適宜 [shi4yi2], proper (match, arrangement). 14. 適用 [shi4yong4], adj., useful, practical, suitable for use (penknife, house jacket, etc.).