释义 |
遜遜 | 546B50 32.83 | 部居
 | 畫數 13 | ㄒㄩㄣˋ [xUn4] (also ㄙㄨㄣˋ [sun4] ). | V.i. & t. | (1) To give way, give up: 遜位,遜國 [xUn4wei4], [xUn4guo2]↓. (2) To lose by comparison: 遜色 [xUn4se4]↓; 彼遜於此 (LL) that is inferior to this.
| Adj. | Humble, modest: 謙遜 ditto.
| Adv. | Modestly: 遜謝 modestly decline; 遜順 modestly obey.
| Words | 1. 遜遁 [xUn4dun4], v.i., (1) (LL) to draw back out of modesty; (2) to get out of the picture, disappear. 2. 遜國 [xUn4guo2], v.i., abdicate the throne. 3. 遜色 [xUn4se4], v.i., to lose in comparison, compare unfavorably. 4. 遜遜 [xUn4xUn4], adj., modest, retiring in manner (cf. 恂恂). 5. 遜位 [xUn4wei4], v.i., to abdicate in favor of son or conqueror.