释义 |
違違 | 379B15 22.83 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄨㄟˊ [wei2] | V.t. | (1) To be separated, absent (used in letters): 久違 have not seen you for a long time; 違教,睽違 have not seen (person); 自違雅範 since parting (“from your presence”), (court.) since last seeing you. (2) To disobey, defy: 違背 ditto; 違法,違犯 [wei2fa3], [wei2fan4]↓; 違令 [wei2ling4]↓. (3) To avoid: 違辟 [wei2bi4]↓. (4) To miss, lose, err: 違失 [wei2shi1]↓; 違和 [wei2he2]↓.
| Words | 1. 違礙 [wei2ai4], v.t., obstruct; disobey; damage (morals). 2. 違背 [wei2bei4], v.t., to disobey (instructions), violate (treaty): 違背法令 judgement contrary to law or ordinances. 3. 違避 [wei2bi4], v.t., to stand aside to avoid s.o.’s presence; to shirk (duty). 4. 違法 [wei2fa3], (1) v.i., break the law; (2) adj., illegal (conduct). 5. 違反 [wei2fan3], v.t., go against, flout (orders). 6. 違犯 [wei2fan4], v.t., break (regulations). 7. 違和 [wei2he2], v.i., (LL) be unwell (“miss harmony”) 8. 違章 [wei2zhang1], v.t. & adj., violate (-ting) rules and regulations. 9. 違禁 [wei2jin4], v.i. & adj., act against the law, do what is forbidden: 違禁品 [wei2jin4pin3], n., forbidden goods, contraband. 10. 違抗 [wei2kang4], v.t., to deft (authority, police). 11. 違例 [wei2li4], adj., against the rules. 12. 違令 [wei2ling4], v.i. & adj., against the orders. 13. 違理 [wei2li3], adj., against reason or propriety. 14. 違憲 [wei2xian4], adj., unconstitutional. 15. 違心 [wei2xin1], adj., as in 違心之論 statement contrary to one's inner belief. 16. 違失 [wei2shi1], n., error, mistake. 17. 違忤 [wei2wu3], v.t., to disobey (wish, etc.). 18. 違言 [wei2yan2], n., (AC) unreasonable talk; dispute. 19. 違拗 [wei2yao4], v.t., to defy (orders, wish). 20. 違約 [wei2yUe1], phr., break contract or treaty.