释义 |
週週 | 702B30 42.83 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄓㄡ [zhou1] | N. | (1) A week: 週末 [zhou1mo4]↓; 週刊,週報 [zhou1kan1], [zhou1bao4]↓. (2) One year: 週歲 one full year, first anniversary; 週年 [zhou1nian2]↓. (3) One round: 繞場一週 walk one round; 環遊世界一週 make a trip round the world.
| Adv. | All around: 週知 it is known to all; 週而復始 round and round.
| Words | 1. 週半兒 [zhou1ba4er0], n., a child is full eighteen months. 2. 週報 [zhou1bao4], n., a weekly. 3. 週期 [zhou1qi2], n., a period, time for one full circle of movement; 週期性 periodic, cyclical; 週期表 periodic table (chem.); 週期律 periodic law. 4. 週轉 [zhou1zhuan1], n. & v.i., turnover (finance). 5. 週刊 [zhou1kan1], n., a weekly. 6. 週率 [zhou1lU4], n., (phys.) frequency. 7. 週末 [zhou1mo4], n., weekend. 8. 週年 [zhou1nian2], n., anniversary.