释义 |
連連 | 41A25 10.83 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄌㄧㄢˊ [lian2] . [Dist.聯 same pr.=“unite”; 連=“continue”; interch.鏈] | N. | (1) A surname. (2) (Mil.) a company: see 連長 [lian2zhang3]↓; 砲兵連 artillery corps. (3) (AC) iron chain (u.f. 鏈).
| V.i. & t. | Join, continue: 相連 join or be joined together, continuous; 連續,連天 [lian2xU4], [lian2tian1]↓; 連著 continued, -ing, -uous; 連著班兒 one after another, continuously, in a row; 連著不停 without stop; 連三併四,接二連三 continuously, one after another.
| Adj. & adv. | Continuous, -ly, joined: 連年,連日,連天 year after year, day after day; 連連 continuous, -ly; see 連 ,連續 [lian2mian2], [lian2xU4]↓; 兵連禍結 continuous wars and turmoil; 連篇累牘 pages and pages (of persiflage); 連署 sign joint signatures; 連記法 [lian2ji4fa3]↓; 連名 (write letter, statement) with joint signatures; in comb. 連…帶:連踢帶打 both kick and hit (a person); 連本帶利 both capital and interest.
| Adv. | Even: 連看都不一看 won't even take a look; 連理都不理 won't even pay any attention.
| Prep. | Even (used like 將,把,給 preceding objective n. or pron. and, like the above, making the vb. follow the object): 連你在內 that includes you, too; 連他一同去 go together,with him included; usu. in comb. 連…也,or 連…都; 連話都不會說 can't even talk; 連水也不喝 won't even take water; 連自己兒女也殺了 killed even one's own children; 連你也不是 you, too, will be blamed for this.
| Words | 1. 連璧 [lian2bi4], phr., (of two good things) combined together. 2. 連城 [lian2cheng2], n., a series of towns: 價同連城 very valuable, commanding a high price (worth a couple of towns together). 3. 連翹 [lian2qiao2] ([lian2qiao4]), n., (bot.) forsythia. 4. 連氣兒 [lian2qie4er0], adv., in a fit of determination, anger, etc.: 一連氣兒告了三天假 asked for three day's leave straight; 一連氣跑了三里路 ran for a mile at one stretch. 5. 連串(兒) [lian2chuan4] ([lian2chuaher0]), n., a whole series (of disasters, mishaps). 6. 連帶 [lian2dai4], adj., connected: 連帶關係 (two events) are connected. 7. 連號 [lian2hao4], n., (1) consecutive numbers; (2) formerly, firms of same owner; (3) the hyphen. 8. 連合 [lian2he2], v.i. & adj., combine(d), join (efforts, pieces together); cf. 聯合 unite(d), 31S.22. 9. 連環 [lian2huan2], n., a chain of rings linked together: 連環計 strategy of making A cause B, B cause C, etc.); 連環圖 comic strips. 10. 連長 [lian2zhang3], n., company captain. 11. 連接 [lian2jie1], v.i.& adj.,(happen) together, one after another: 連接見四個客人 receive four visitors in succession. 12. 連結 [lian2jie2], v.i., to bind ,join up together (threads, clues, societies). 13. 連記法 [lian2ji4fa3], n., system of booking accounts in parallel columns. 14. 連珠 [lian2zhu1], adj., joined like a string: 連珠炮 a string of firecrackers; 連珠箭 a volley of arrows. 15. 連綴 [lian2zhui4], v.i., join together (pieces) to form a whole. 16. 連累 [lian2lei0], v.t., to cause or bring trouble to another: 連累了你 cause you inconvenience. 17. 連連 [lian2lian2], adv., continuously, in succession: 連連點頭 nod repeatedly. 18. 連理 [lian2li3], adj., in 連理枝 two trees with a joined branch; (fig.) marital love. 19. 連絡 [lian2luo4], v.i. & t., as in 連絡某人 or 同他連絡 get in touch with(s.o.), keep in contact with, strengthen connections, (usu. 聯絡 preferred):連絡官 liaison officer. 20. 連忙 [lian2mang2], adv., quickly, without hesitation. 21. 連綿 [lian2mian2], adj., continuous, -ly: 連綿不斷 without stop or break. 22. 連年 [lian2nian2], adv., year after year. 23. 連篇 [lian2pian1], phr., whole essay, whole pages: 白字連篇 full of “misspelled” or incorrect forms of words; 連篇累牘 whole pages (of trite, insipid talk). 24. 連票 [lian2piao4], n., coupon. 25. 連譜 [lian2pu3], n., person regarded as same branch (同宗) of clan (同姓). 26. 連任 [lian2ren4], v.i., serve second term of office. 27. 連日 [lian2ri4], adv., day after day (it rains, etc.) 28. 連心 [lian2xin1] adj., deeply attached to one another. 29. 連手 [lian2shou3] v.i., take concerted action; (gambling) gang up to cheat. 30. 連書 [lian2shu1], v.i., to write two or more syllables of a word together (as in Chin. alphabet 注音字母): 詞類連書 such practice ,socalled because the part of speech (詞類) then becomes clear. 31. 連署 [lian2shu3], v.i., sign jointly. 32. 連巿 [lian2shi4], v.i., to keep shop, business open on holidays. 33. 連史紙 [lian2shi2zhi3], n., a fine-quality paper, designed for letters, scrolls. 34. 連續 [lian2xU4], adj. & adv., continuous, -ly: 連續下雨 rains continuously; 連續犯 repeated offender. 35. 連鎖 [lian2suo3], adj., linked together: 連鎖關係 causally related; 連鎖反應 chain reaction. 36. 連臺 [lian2tai2], n., (1) “continuous”theatrical performance; (2) 打幾個連臺 work several shifts in succession. 37. 連天 [lian2tian1], adj., & adv., (1) for days; 連天陰雨 rainy for days; (2) “touching the sky”; 叫苦連天 cry to heavens; 喊聲連天(=震天) screams pierce the sky; 大水連天 the flood reaches the horizon. 38. 連詞 [lian2ci2], n., conjunction. 39. 連坐 [lian2zuo4], v.i., be punished as accomplice in crime. 40. 連延 [lian2yan2], v.i., & adj., stretch on , spread (as mountain range). 41. 連夜 [lian2ye4], adv., (1) the very same night; (2) all night. 42. 連姻 [lian2yin1], n., relation by marriage. 43. 連語 [lian2yU3], n., a polysyllabic word, a compound word.