释义 |
造造 | 40A50 10.83 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄗㄠˋ [zao4] (*ㄘㄠˋ [cao4] ). | N. | (1) One of the parties (to a contract, dispute, lawsuit): 兩造 both parties (2) Era, epoch, period: 末造 in the latter days. (3) (Also *[cao4]) achievements, accomplishments: (AC) 小子有造 the young man has made a name for himself; 造詣 [zao4yi4]2, 造就 [zao4jiu4]↓; 高造 higher studies; 深造 higher specialized training.
| V.t. | (1) Establish, set up, build: 造邦 build up a nation, nation-building; 建造 construct; 營造 ditto; 承造 enter into a contract to build; 造屋,造橋,造船 build a house, bridge, ship; 修造 repair. (2) Make, shape, manufacture, produce: 人造的 man-made, artificial; 人造花 artificial flowers; 造句子 make sentences; 造作 [zao4zuo4]↓; 改造 reform, reshape, remodel, reconstruct; 天造的 natural; 自造 made by oneself; 造孽 [zao4nie4],造反 [zao4fan3]↓; 造福人群 confer benefits on society (one's fellow-men), be a benefactor of mankind; 創造 create; 製造 manufacture. (3) Fabricate: 造謠 [zao4yao2]↓; 造謠言 spread rumors; 造言 (AC) ditto; 捏造 fabricate, invent (a story, an alibi); 偽造 forge, falsify. (4) Begin, commence, start: 造端 make a beginning; 造肇 make a start, get under way; 造始 come into being. (5) (Also *[cao4]) go to : 造府 call at your home; 造訪 pay a visit to; 造請 go to invite. (6) Prepare (report, etc.): 造報,造具 [zao4bao4], [zao4jU4]↓.
| Words | 1. 造報 [zao4bao4], v.i., compile a report on funds expended. 2. 造反 [zao4fan3], v.t., (1) to revolt, rebel: 造反了 this is rebellion! (2) (of children) be noisy. 3. 造福 [zao4fu2], v.t., to benefit. 4. 造化 [zao4hua4], n., (1) the Creator, God; (2) (*[zao4hua0]) fortune: 我們也沒有這麼大的造化 we have no such good fortune, are not so lucky. 5. 造就 [zao4jiu4], v.t., (1) (sp. pr.[jiu0]) help (a promising person) to succeed in life; (2) visit with; v.t., (3) n., accomplishments. 6. 造具 [zao4jU4] v.t., compile (tables, reports). 7. 造林 [zao4lin2], v.i. & n., afforest (-ation). 8. 造命 [zao4ming4], v.i., (LL) be the master of one’s or other people's fate. 9. 造魔 [zao4mo2], v.i talk like a false prophet, rumor monger. 10. 造孽 [zao4nie4], v.i., do evil, to sin (also wr. 造業); (fig.) to do s.t. execrable. 11. 造像 [zao4xiang4] n., (1) a statue of the Buddha or of a god; (2) a photographic portrait; n., (3) v.i., to make a statue. 12. 造形藝術 [zao4shirng yihshu4], n., plastic arts. 13. 造士 [zao4shi4], n., (LL) an accomplished scholar. 14. 造次 *[cao4ci4], adv., abruptly, quickly, without too much care. 15. 造罪 [zao4zui4], v.i., to sin, esp. against the gods. 16. 造作 [zao4zuo4], (1) v.t., make, manufacture; (2) adj., artificial, labored; (3) as in 矯揉造作 falsify, -fied, done for effect. 17. 造謠 [zao4yao2], v.i., fabricate rumors. 18. 造意 [zao4yi4]1, n., concept, -tion of a piece of art or writing. 19. 造詣 [zao4yi4]2, (1) n., scholastic attainments; (2) v.t., call on, visit with.