释义 |
逃逃 | 377C45 22.83 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄊㄠˊ [tao2] | V.i. | To flee, escape: 逃去了 has escaped; 逃出去 escape; 逃之夭夭 escaped and is nowhere to be found; 別逃 don't try to run away; 逃不掉 cannot escape from justice; 逃往 abscond to; hide away, keep out of sight, see many compp.↓.
| V.t. | To escape (famine, war, school class, conscription): 逃荒,逃難,逃學,逃兵 [tao2huang1], [tao2nan4], [tao2xUe2], [tao2bing1], etc.↓; 逃婚 run away from wedding; 逃嫁 (of married woman) elope with another man; 逃世 live the life of a recluse, retire from world; 逃課 play truant; 逃刑 flee from punishment; 逃稅 evasion of tax; escaped: 逃兵,逃軍 deserter, also fleeing troops; hiding: 在逃 is in hiding.
| Words | 1. 逃奔 [tao2ben1], v.i., flee. 2. 逃避 [tao2bi4], v.i., shirk (duty); refuse to face (reality 逃避現實) 3. 逃兵 [tao2bing1], n., deserter. 4. 逃禪 [tao2chan2], v.i., become Buddhist convert. 5. 逃遁 [tao2dun4], v.i., hide away. 6. 逃犯 [tao2fan4], n., escaped convict. 7. 逃荒 [tao2huang1], v.i., to flee from famine area. 8. 逃婚 [tao2hun1], v.i., run away from wedding. 9. 逃命 [tao2ming4], v.i., flee for life. 10. 逃名 [tao2ming2], v.i., shun publicity. 11. 逃難 [tao2nan4], v.i., be refugee. 12. 逃匿 [tao2ni4], v.i., escape and hide, keep oneself out of sight. 13. 逃跑 [tao2pao3], v.i., escape, flee, steal away. 14. 逃生 [tao2sheng1], v.i., flee for life. 15. 逃學 [tao2xUe2], v.i., play truant. 16. 逃竄 [tao2cuan4], v.i., (of bandits, rebel forces) flee elsewhere. 17. 逃脫 [tao2tuo1], v.i., succeed in escaping. 18. 逃走 [tao2zou3], v.i., run away. 19. 逃罪 [tao2zui4], v.i., escape from the law. 20. 逃亡 [tao2wang2], v.i., flee from home or country.