释义 |
迫迫 | 1227C00 91.83 | 部居
| 畫數 8 | ㄆㄛˋ [po4] . [Err. var. 迫; cogn. of逼 ㄅㄧ [bi1] , 30.83.] | V.t. | To force, compel: 迫他投降 compel one to surrender; 迫死 persecute to death; 迫令 demand, compel by force majeure (person to); 迫上梁山 force to join the rebels; 迫從 compel compliance; 迫得 compel: 迫得無路可走 give (person) on choice but to (leave, etc.); 迫不得已 have no choice but; 迫於勢力 compelled by force or circumstances; 強迫 make s.o. do s.t. by force; 壓迫 to oppress.
| Adj. | Be very close, hard pressed, urgent: 迫不及待 cannot wait, time does not allow; 時間匆迫 in a rush; 局迫 hard pressed; 局勢危迫 situation is tense; 匆迫 compel; 窘迫 persecute.
| Words | 1. 迫切 [po4qie1], adj. & adv., urgent, -ly (request, etc.). 2. 迫害 [po4hai4], v.t., ruin, injure, persecute (person). 3. 迫婚 [po4hun1], v.i., force into marriage. 4. 迫擊砲 [po4ji2pao4], n., trench mortar. 5. 迫脅 [po4xie2], v.t., compel by force or threat.