释义 |
農農 | 352A45 22.02 | 部居
![](Images/linyutang/Lexis/Lindict/Radical/rad_gif/rad161.gif) | 畫數 13 | ㄋㄨㄥˊ [nong2] . [Arch. ] | N. | Farming; farmer: 農業,農夫,農人 [nong2ye4], [nong2fu1], [nong2ren2]↓; 農閑 slack farming season.
| Words | 1. 農產 [nong2chan3], n., farm production, -ducts; 農產量 volume of farm production. 2. 農場 [nong2chang3], n., a farm. 3. 農夫 [nong2fu1], n., a farmer. 4. 農婦 [nong2fu4], n., a farm woman. 5. 農會 [nong2hui4], n., a farmers’ association. 6. 農戶 [nong2hu4], n., a farm family. 7. 農家 [nong2jia1], n., (1) a family engaged in farming: 農家子 farmer's son; (2) (AC) one of the nine schools of thought in ancient China, students of agriculture. 8. 農具 [nong2jU4], n., farm implements. 9. 農科 [nong2ke1], n., department of agriculture in a college; agriculture as an academic study. 10. 農曆 [nong2li4], n., the lunar calendar (lit., “the farmer's calendar,” used by Chin. farmers as a guide for sowing and harvesting). 11. 農林 [nong2lin2], n., agriculture and forestry. 12. 農忙 [nong2mang2], n., peak season on a farm. 13. 農民 [nong2min2], n., a farmer, the farming population. 14. 農奴 [nong2nu2], n., a serf, a slave working on a farm for the landlord. 15. 農人 [nong2ren2], n., a farmer, the farming population as a whole. 16. 農桑 [nong2sang1], n., farming and sericulture. 17. 農事 [nong2shi4], n., farm work. 18. 農時 [nong2shi2], n., farming season. 19. 農學 [nong2xUe2], n., science of agriculture. 20. 農田 [nong2tian2], n., farm land, farm fields. 21. 農村 [nong2cun1], n., a village, a rural district. 22. 農作 [nong2zuo4], n., farming, cultivation of crops: 農作物 farm produce. 23. 農業 [nong2ye4], n., agriculture. 24. 農月 [nong2yUe4], n., summer months, busy months for the farmers.