释义 |
辯辯 | 870B25 60S.10-6 | 部居
 | 畫數 21 | ㄅㄧㄢˋ [bian4] . [Dist.辨,瓣,辮↓] | N. & v.i. | Argue, discuss, dispute: 爭辯 argue (gument); 好辯 love to argue; 善辯 eloquent, have controversial skill; 巧辯 v.i. & n., clever argument; 狡辯 v.i. & n., 詭辯 quibble; 強辯 v.i. & n., stubborn argument by distortion of facts or subterfuges; 把人辯倒 defeat person in argument.
| Words | 1. 辯白 [bian4bai2], v.t., clear up case, present one party's point of view. 2. 辯駁 [bian4bo2], v.i., argue: 與人辯駁 argue with person. 3. 辯護 [bian4hu4], v.t. & n., defend person at court or elsewhere: 為人辯護; n., 辯護人 defender, advocate. 4. 辯證法 [bian4zheng4fa3], n., dialectic. 5. 辯給 [bian4ji2], n., (LL) talent for eloquence. 6. 辯論 [bian4lun4], n. & v.i., carry on controversy, argument, debate in court or parliament. 7. 辯難 [bian4nan4], n. & v.i., (to, a) dispute on points. 8. 辯士 [bian4shi4], n., sophist, person good at argument. 9. 辯才 [bian4cai2], n., natural eloquence, forensic skill.