释义 |
辨辨 | 870C25 60S.10-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 16 | ㄅㄧㄢˋ [bian4] . [Dist.辯,辮,瓣] | V.t. | (1) Distinguish: 辨別 [bian4bie2]↓; 辨是非,黑白,真假 establish the right and wrong, distinguish black from white, true from false; 分辨 distinguish, discern difference. (2) Recognize: 辨味 recognize taste; 辨色 recognize colors; 察顏辨色 subtly react by noticing superior's countenance; 辨認,辨識 [bian4ren4], [bian4shi1]↓. (3) Make known: 辨志 (LL) make clear one's intentions, motives, ambition.
| Words | 1. 辨白 [bian4bai2], v.t., clear up (doubts, suspicions). 2. 辨別 [bian4bie2], v.t., distinguish, sort out. 3. 辨惑 [bian4huo4], v.t., (LL) clear up unbelief, false notions. 4. 辨明 [bian4ming2], v.t., =[bian4bai2]↑. 5. 辨認 [bian4ren4], v.t., recognize, know by difference (true parent, precious stone, handwriting). 6. 辨析 [bian4xi1], v.t., analyze. 7. 辨識 [bian4shi1], v.t., recognize. 8. 辨異 [bian4yi4], v.i., compare difference esp. in texts.