释义 |
辟辟 | 802C15 52S.10-6 | 部居
| 畫數 13 | ㄅㄧˋ [bi4] (*ㄆㄧˋ [pi4] ). [AC var. for闢,避,僻] | N. | (1) (AC) the law; the ruler (in compound復辟 91B.82). (2) (*[pi4]) (AC) punishment: 大辟 capital punishment; 宮辟 castration.
| V.t. | (1) Call to office: 辟召 king's order to serve government; 辟舉 confer post on (person): 徵辟 select and raise to office. (2) To fight off (evil spirit, doctrine): 辟邪 (var. of 闢邪). (3) To escape, avoid: 辟世,辟易 to retire from world (var. of 避); 辟邪 counter-act evil force. (4) (*[pi4]) (AC) to cultivate (land): 辟草萊,辟土地 cultivate wild land (var. of 闢). (5) (*[pi4]) (AC) to spin: 辟纏 spin hemp.
| Words | 1. 辟咡 *[pi4er4], v.i., (AC) incline ear to listen. 2. 辟惡 [bi4e4], n., (bot.) musk. 3. 辟穀 *[pi4gu3], stop even vegetarian food, as a way of becoming Taoist immortal. 4. 辟易 [bi4yi4], n., (AC) retreat. 5. 辟雍 [bi4yong1], n., (AC) Royal Academy, in Chou Dyn. 6. 辟踊 [bi4yong3], v.i., see 擗踊 10A.10.