释义 |
輕輕 | 150C50 10D.30-3 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄑㄧㄥ [qing1] | V.t. | (LL) to slight, regard lightly: 輕之 slight a person or thing; 輕其言 regard his words as of no importance; 輕敵 underestimate enemy; 文人 (好) 相輕 writers like to disparage one another; 輕財重義 regard money lightly and enthusiastic over a public cause; 輕生 take one's life lightly; 輕慢,輕視,輕忽 [qing1man4], [qing1shi4], [qing1hu1]↓.
| Adj. | (1) Light in weight or importance: 很輕,輕的 light; 輕飄飄的,輕嬝嬝 very light, feather-light; 輕於鴻毛 (death) could be entirely of no significance; 身輕如燕 light as a swallow; 輕事重報 exaggerate the importance in report; 減輕負擔 lighten responsibility; 輕型,輕載 light punishment, load; 輕典 (LL) easy, tolerant laws; 輕症 slight illness; 輕汗 slight sweat; 關係非輕 grave in consequences or implications; 輕裘緩帶 “soft fur and loose girdles”-soft living. (2) Airy, fast: 輕快,輕捷 [qing1kuai4], [qing1jie2]↓; (3) Cheap, frivolous, flippant, silly: 輕薄,輕佻,輕狂,輕浮 [qing1bo2], [qing1tiao2], [qing1kuang2], [qing1fu2]↓; 輕口薄舌 flippant, like to say nasty things about people. (4) Easy: 輕而易舉 easy to undertake: 輕易 [qing1yi4]↓.
| Adv. | Lightly, softly: 輕吹,輕奏 play softly in music; 輕敲 tap softly; 輕輕 [qing1qing1]↓; 輕舉妄動 act rashly; 輕諾寡信 who promises too lightly is seldom able to live up to his words; 輕信謠言 listen indiscriminately to rumors; 輕妝 have a simple makeup.
| Words | 1. 輕便 [qing1bian4], adj., easy and convenient, portable, (luggage) light; 輕便車,輕便鐵路 narrowgage cars, railways. 2. 輕薄 [qing1bo2], (1) v.t., to insult: 她被流氓輕薄一了頓 she was insulted with coarse language by a group of ruffians; (2)adj., cheaply critical, flippant: 輕薄少年 coarse, vulgar youth; (3) flirtatious, frivolous: 輕薄子(兒)playboy, fickle lover. 3. 輕巧 [qing1qiao3], adj., (1) agile, skillful; (2) delicate, well-made (gadget, etc.); (3) light, portable. 4. 輕氣 [qing1qi4], n., hydrogen (also wr. 氫氣); 輕氣球 a balloon. 5. 輕輕 (兒) (的) [qing1qing1]([er0])([de0]), adv., lightly, softly (tap a door, lay s.t. on floor); (talk) softly; (tell him) gently. 6. 輕粉 [qing1fen3], n., calomel. 7. 輕肥 [qing1fei2], phr., (LL) from 輕裘肥馬 soft furs and well-fed horses--luxurious living. 8. 輕浮 [qing1fu2], adj., frivolous, ill-mannered, flighty. 9. 輕工業 [qing1gong1ye4], phr., light industry. 10. 輕寒 [qing1han2], adj., cool, mildly cold. 11. 輕忽 [qing1hu1], (1) v.t., to slight, ignore; (2) adj., flighty. 12. 輕賤 [qing1jian4], (1) adj., vulgar, cheap (work, position); (2) v.t., to despise. 13. 輕捷 [qing1jie2], adj., fast, agile. 14. 輕騎 [qing1ji4], phr., light-armed cavalry; advance on horseback. 15. 輕金屬 [qing1jin1shu3], n., (chem.) light metals. 16. 輕重 (兒) [qing1zhong4]([er0]) n., “light and heavy” --weight, importance: 輕量輕重 compare the importance (“weight”); 不知輕重 have no appreciation of thing's importance. 17. 輕車 [qing1jU1], phr., (1) a light, swift chariot; (2) any light cart: 輕車 從 travel with light luggage and few attendants (for quick movements); 輕車熟路,駕輕就熟 make easy progress from experience (familiarity with the route). 18. 輕舉 [qing1jU3], phr., (1) (LL) (Taoist) to go up to heaven bodily; (2) 輕舉妄動 see Adv.↑. 19. 輕快 [qing1kuai4], adj., (1) fast, easy to handle (carriage, etc.); (2) 價錢輕快 price has eased off; 天氣冷的輕快 (also pr. [qing2kuai0]) weather has become milder. 20. 輕狂 [qing1kuang2], adj., rash, reckless. 21. 輕慢 [qing1man4], (1) v.t., to slight (person); (2) adj., rude. 22. 輕蔑 [qing1mie4], v.t., to despise. 23. 輕年 [qing1nian2], adj., (MC) young (var. of 年輕,青年). 24. 輕炮 [qing1pao4], n., light artillery. 25. 輕剽(僄) [qing1piao1], adj., see [qing1tiao2]↓. 26. 輕身 [qing1shen1], phr., (1) to travel light; (2) see [qing1sheng1]1↓. 27. 輕生 [qing1sheng1]1, phr., take one's life lightly (commit suicide). 28. 輕聲 [qing1sheng1]2, (1) n., untoned or unaccented (syllable), marked by preceding('), as 先生 [xian1sheng0], [xian1sheng1]; (2) adv., in a light voice. 29. 輕爽 [qing1shuang3], adj., light and comfortable; (of writing) with a light touch. 30. 輕率 [qing1shuai4], adj., & adv., light-minded, -ly. 31. 輕視 [qing1shi4], v.t., to despise. 32. 輕石 [qing1shi4], n., (min.) pumice stone; slag or cinder-like lava. 33. 輕鬆 [qing1song0], adj., (of style, conversation, speech) light, with a light touch; relaxed (vein). 34. 輕佻 [qing1tiao2], adj., frivolous (also 輕窕 [qing1tiao3]). 35. 輕脆 [qing1cui4], adj., brittle (biscuit, etc.). 36. 輕微 [qing1wei2], adj., slight (accomplishment), light (task); piddling (loss, profit). 37. 輕易 [qing1yi4], (1) adj., easy to do; (2) adv., light-mindely: 輕易舉兵 rashly start a war; adv., 他不輕易來 he does not come without important reason; 不輕易動怒 he does not get angry without good reason. 38. 輕盈 [qing1ying2], adj., lissome, lithe: 輕盈體態 a soft, well-rounded figure.