释义 |
載載 | 184A35 11.71 | 部居
 | 畫數 13 | ㄗㄞˋ [zai4] (*ㄗㄞˇ [zai3] ). | N. | (*[zai3]) A year: 一年半載 six months or a year; 千載難逢 only once in a lifetime.
| V.t. | (1) Transport, convey from one place to another: 裝載 to load (goods); 載運 transport by vehicle; 載重 [zai4zhong4]; 超載 overload(ed); 載滿 be fully loaded; 滿載而歸 return with a full load of presents (honors, booty); 載人 (客),載貨 (物) carry passengers, goods; 載貨量 payload (shipping); 載到 convey to (a place); 載多少 how much does (a cart, boat) hold or carry? 載不了 cannot hold (carry) so much. (2) Put on record, write down: 紀載 put in writing; 登載 publish in newspaper (magazine); 載明 to state clearly in writing; 載入 enter (an item) in a list, make an entry of; 失載 fail to be recorded; 刊載 be duly recorded; 載於何書 in which book does this appear? (3) Be full of: 載道 [zai4dao4]↓. (4) Receive: 載福 be blessed.
| Adv. | (1) (U.f. 再) again, once more: 載拜 “yours respectfully,” as a polite complimentary close to letters. (2) Then: 載戢干戈 then fighting will cease.
| Particle | Often used in pairs to indicate parallel action or sequence: 載沉載浮 (of a sailing boat) bobbing up and down; 載馳載驅 (of a carriage) darting and dashing; 載歌載舞 now singing, now dancing; 載飛載止 (of a bird) flying awhile, alighting to rest awhile; 載清載濁 (of currents) sometimes clear, sometimes muddy.
| Words | 1. 載道 [zai4dao4], v.i. & adv., (1) v.i., (of litr. works) moralize; v.i. & adv., (2) adv., everywhere: 怨聲載道 voices of discontent can be heard all over. 2. 載貨證券 [zai4huo4zheng4qUan4], n., bill of lading. 3. 載記 [zai4ji4], n., historical records, accounts of past events. 4. 載籍 [zai4ji2], n., books, written works. 5. 載重 [zai4zhong4], n., (of a vehicle) capacity to carry weight.