释义 |
軼軼 | 154C35 10D.81-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄧˋ [yi4] | V.t. | (1) To excel: 軼群 [yi4qUn2]↓. (2) (AC) 侵軼 to encircle (enemy).
| V.i. & adj. | (Be) lost, missing: 軼事,軼聞 [yi4shi4], [yi4wen2]↓; 軼才 extraordinary gifts, superlative talent (interch. 逸).
| Words | 1. 軼群 [yi4qUn2], phr., to excel, stand above the rest. 2. 軼倫 [yi4lun2], phr., see [yi4qUn2]↑. 3. 軼事 [yi4shi4], n., anecdotes, usu. of a famous person. 4. 軼聞 [yi4wen2], n., ditto.