释义 |
車車 | 17A25 10.10 | 部居
| 畫數 7 | ㄔㄜ [che1] (re. pr. *ㄐㄩ [jU1] ). | N. | (1) A vehicle: 車輛 [che1liang4]↓; 汽車 an automobile, a motor car; 火車 a railway train: 火車頭 a locomotive; 馬車 a chariot, a carriage; 牛車 an ox cart; 手車 a handcart; 雞公車 (Szechuan dial.) a wheelbarrow; 戰車 chariot; 坦克車 a tank; 轎車 a sedan; 腳踏車,自行車 a bicycle; 摩托車,機車 a motorcycle; 電車 a tramcar, streetcar; 貨車 a motor truck, a lorry, a freight car; 旅行車 a station wagon; 油車 a tank truck; 跑車 a sport(s) car; 校車 school bus; 救火車 a fire engine; 救護車 an ambulance; 靈車 a hearse; 警車 a police van; 專車 a special car (train); 客車 a railway coach; 洋車,人力車,黃包車 a rickshaw; 三輪車 a pedicab, a tricycle. 餐車,飯車 a dining car, a diner; 臥車 a sleeping car, a sleeper, Pullman (car); 花車 floats: 花車遊行 a float parade; 駕車,開車 drive a car; 乘車,坐車,搭車 go by car (train); 上車 board a car (train); 下車 alight from a car (train); 車載斗量 immense quantities; 車水馬龍 heavy traffic on street (“an endless stream of horses and carriages”) 車匠 a wheel wright; 趕車的 a carter; 開車的 a car driver, chauffeur; 車禍 traffic accident; 車笠之盟 true friendship. (2) Any device which operates with the help of wheels: 紡車 a spinning wheel; 吊車 a crane; 滑車 a pulley; 風車 a windmill; 衣車 (Cantonese dial.) a sewing machine; 水車 a water cart, a water wheel, a wooden treadmill for lifting water. (3) (*[jU1]) A surname. (4) A pawn in chess, the “chariot.”
| V.t. | (1) Carry in a cart: 車煤,車米 to cart away coal, rice. (2) To lift (water): 車水 do this by means of a water wheel. (3) To shape (things) on a lathe.
| Words | 1. 車把 [che1ba3], n., the handle bars of a bicycle or rickshaw. 2. 車前 [che1qian2]1, n., (bot.) the plantain, Plantago major var. asiatica . 3. 車錢 [che1qian2]2, n., money paid for hiring a car (cart, rickshaw, etc.). 4. 車床 [che1chuang2], n., a turner's lathe. 5. 車道 [che1dao4], n., a driveway. 6. 車燈 [che1deng1], n., the headlight of an automobile or motorcycle, a bicycle lamp. 7. 車墊(子) [che1dian4]([zi0]), n., car cushions. 8. 車費 [che1fei4], n., cartage, car fare, car hire. 9. 車夫 [che1fu0], n., a carter, a cart driver; also chauffeur. 10. 車轂轆 [che1gu1lu0], n., car wheels: 車轂轆話 the same words repeated again and again; 車轂轆圓 (sp. pr. [che1gu1lu0yUan4] a children's game in which they join hands to form a circle and dance and sing. 11. 車行 [che1hang2], n., (1) a place where carts may be bought or hired; (2) a garage; (3) a car dealer's. 12. 車後喘 [che1hou4chuan3], n., (sl.)part of retinue running after a carriage-a lackey. 13. 車長 [che1zhang3], n., the conductor of a train. 14. 車站 [che1zhan4], n., (1) a railway station; (2) a bus stop. 15. 車照 [che1zhao4], n., a car license. 16. 車轍 [che1zhe2], n., (1) a rut made by a passing vehicle; (2) a driveway or track for cars. 17. 車腳錢 [che1jiao3qian0], n., fee paid for the delivery of goods. 18. 車架 [che1jia4], n., a lathe. 19. 車駕 *[jU1jia4], n., carriage. 20. 車磔 *[jU1jie2], n., (AC) formerly, dismemberment of a person by making carts pull in different directions. 21. 車騎 *[jU1ji4], n., (1) carriages and horses; (2) formerly, title of a military commander. 22. 車軸 [che1zhou2], n., the axle. 23. 車捐 [che1jUan1], n., a vehicle license fee. 24. 車鍊 [che1lian4], n., the roller chain of a bicycle, the tire chain of an automobile. 25. 車輛 [che1liang4], n., vehicles, carriages, carts, cars, esp. in traffic. 26. 車裂 *[jU1lie4], n., (=車磔 [che1jie2]↑). 27. 車輪(兒)(子) [che1lun2] ([che1lun2er0])([zi0]), n., car wheels: 車輪會 a group of persons who take turns to invite one another to dinner; 車輪戰 formerly, a fight in which several persons take turns to engage one opponent in combat to tire him out. 28. 車馬 [che1ma3], n., carriages and horses: 門前冷落車馬稀 the house was deserted and there were few callers; 車馬費 travel allowance. 29. 車幔 [che1man4], n., the curtain of a carriage. 30. 車門兒 [che1men2] ([che1men2er0]), n., side doors of a motor vehicle or carriage. 31. 車牌 [che1pai2], n., the number plate of a vehicle. 32. 車棚 [che1peng2]1, n., a shed for vehicles. 33. 車篷(子) [che1peng2]2([zi0]), n., the awning of a cart. 34. 車票 [che1piao4], n., a train or bus ticket. 35. 車皮 [che1pi2], n., (railway) unloaded rolling stock. 36. 車身 [che1shen1], n., the body of a car or carriage. 37. 車箱 [che1xiang1], n., (1) compartments of a railway train; (2) railway coaches; 車箱兒 (a) the inside of a car or carriage; (b) the boot (trunk) of an automobile. 38. 車胎 [che1tai1], n., car tires. 39. 車頭 [che1tou2], n., a train locomotive. 40. 車僮 [che1tong2], n., attendants on a railway train. 41. 車子 (1) *[jU1zi0], n., formerly, a cart driver; (2) ([che1zi0]), a cart, carriage, wagon. 42. 車資 [che1zi1], n., car fare. 43. 車帷 [che1wei2]1, n., see [che1man4]↑. 44. 車圍(子) [che1wei2]2([zi0]), n., the cloth hood of a carriage. 45. 車沿兒 [che1ya2er0], n., the edge of a carriage. 46. 車轅(兒)(子) [che1yUan2] ([che1yUan2er0])([zi0]), n., the shafts of a cart or carriage.