释义 |
身身 | 1199A10 91.00 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄕㄣ [shen1] | N. adjunct. | 一身衣服 one suit of clothing.
| N. | (1) Material human body: 身體,身材,身軀 [shen1ti3], [shen1cai2], [shen1qU1]↓; 身心 mind and body (relaxed, etc.); 身首異處 beheaded; 一身 whole body, also, all one's life; 周身,全身,渾身 the whole body (aches, shivers, is feverish, etc.); 終身 all one's life; 起身,動身 to start (journey); 不克分身 cannot get away from present duties; 轉身 in a moment; 賣身 sell the body (prostitution); 稱身 (dress) fits the body. (2) Body of thing: 樹身 tree trunk; 船身 the hull; 河身 bed of river. (3) Self, personal character, status: 修身 “cultivate self”--moral culture; 立身 form certain principles of living; 身正不怕影兒斜 stand straight and never mind if shadow inclines; 身敗名裂 personal reputation is ruined; 己身 one's own self; 身家,身世,身分 [shen1jia1], [shen1shi4], [shen1fen4]↓; 身輕言微 (or 人微言輕) in my humble position, my word does not carry much weight. (4) Pregnancy: 有身 be pregnant; 身懷六甲,身孕 ditto. (5) Life, incarnation: 前身,後身 previous incarnation, later incarnation; 身後 [shen1hou4]↓; 身故,身亡,身死,身逝 die.
| Adv. | Personally, bodily: 身歷其境 personally went through situation; 身當其衝 personally bear the brunt; 如同身受 would regard it as a personal favor to me (if you helped him).
| Words | 1. 身邊 [shen1bian1], adv., at hand: 身邊沒錢 have no money on hand; nearby: 身邊沒人 no one nearby--living alone; adv., 身邊人 (coll.) a mistress, i.e., concubine who attends to comfort. 2. 身長 [shen1chang2], n. & adj., height: 身長六尺 stand six feet high. 3. 身軀 [shen1qU1], n., the physical body; physical stature. 4. 身底下 [shen1di3xia0], adv., (1) under the body; (2) present place of living: 身底下那處房 that house where I am living. 5. 身段 [shen1duan4], n., stature, body figure (of man or woman) including movement. 6. 身法 [shen1fa3]>, n., boxer’s or wrestler's skill. 7. 身分 [shen1fen4], n., (1) person's social status; official or legal status: 身分不明 person's legal identity not clarified; 8. 身分證 [shen1fen4zheng4], n., legal card or identity; 9. 身分 [shen1fen4], n., (2) material of cloth: 這布的身分很好 material of this cloth is good. 10. 身故 [shen1gu4], v.i., (LL) to die, pass away. 11. 身後 [shen1hou4], phr., after person's death: 身後事 funeral arrangements; 身後蕭條 without money or progeny after person's death. 12. 身家 [shen1jia1], n., (1) family origin: 身家清白 come of a decent family; (2) 身家性命 man's life and family possessions. 13. 身價 [shen1jia4], n., (1) person's legal or social status (see [shen1fen4]↑); (2) price for buying a girl, esp. singsong girl. 14. 身己 [shen1ji3], adj., (MC) one’s own: 身己上的事 one's own affairs. 15. 身框兒 [shen1kuang0er0], n., height and frame of body. 16. 身兒 [shen1er0], n., the body: 稱身兒,合身兒 (dress) fits the body. 17. 身量 (兒) [shen1liang0]([er0]), n., stature (height) of body. 18. 身上 [shen1shang4], (1) n., state of feeling: 身上不快 do not feel well; (2) adv., at hand, on hand: 身上沒錢 have (carry) no money with me. 19. 身手 [shen1shou3], n., boxer’s, wrestler's skill. 20. 身世 [shen1shi4], n., life experience: 身世孤單 had a lonely life. 21. 身體 [shen1ti3], n., person's body, bodily health. 22. 身材 [shen1cai2], n., see [shen1duan4]↑. 23. 身子 [shen1zi0], n., (1) bodily health: 身子不快 do not feel well; (2) pregnancy: 懷著身子 be pregnant. 24. 身孕 [shen1yUn4], adj., pregnant.