释义 |
踏踏 | 611C05 40B.41-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄊㄚˋ [ta4] | V.i. & t. | (1) To step on, stamp on: 腳踏實地 stand on solid ground, practical, always have regard for facts; 踏歌 song accompanied by stamping on the ground; 踏繩 walk on tightrope; 踐踏 trample upon; 踏破了 crush under foot; 踏扁了 crush flat under foot; 踏破鐵鞋無覓處,得來全不費工夫 find s.t. accidentally after tracking miles (“wearing out iron shoes”) in vain for it; 腳踏兩條船 divided loyalties. (2) (Poet.) to tread: 踏青 have an outing in spring (“tread on green”); 踏雪尋梅 look for plum flowers treading on snow.
| Words | 1. 踏板(兒) [ta4ban3] ([ta4ba3er0]), n., plank for crossing, loading; footstool near bed; pedal. 2. 踏步 [ta4bu4], v.i., (mil.) mark time. 3. 踏蹺 [ta4qiao1], v.i., walk on stilts. 4. 踏碓 [ta4dui4], v.i. & n., pestle for husking rice worked by foot. 5. 踏踐 [ta4jian4], V.t., trample upon.