释义 |
跪跪 | 615A50 40B.70-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 13 | ㄍㄨㄟˋ [gui4] | V.i. | Kneel: 下跪 kneel down before s.o.; 跪拜 to kowtow to s.o.: 謹辭跪拜 (in funeral services) polite notice to mourners not to kowtow to the deceased; 跪倒,跪下 (command s.o.) to kneel down; 跪倒爬起 to kowtow and then get up; 跪門 kneel before s.o.’s gate to ask for forgiveness; 跪鎖(子),跪鏈子 to kneel on an iron chain, formerly, a third degree method, 三跪九叩 three times kneel down, each time performing three kowtows, extreme form of reverence close to prostration.