释义 |
跡跡 | 607A10 40B.00-6 | 部居
 | 畫數 13 | ㄐㄧ [ji1] . [Var. of 跡 60.83] |
跡 | 834B10 60.83 | ㄐㄧ [ji1] . [Commonly interch. 跡,蹟] | N. | (1) Impressions left: 足跡 footprints; 跡印 imprints. (2) Outward manifestations of work done: 功跡 creditable accomplishments, achievements (also wr. 績); feats; 實述 actual attainments; 劣跡 dishonorable records; 惡跡 wicked deeds. (3) Traces, marks, images: 事跡 occurrence, events; 痕跡 tracks, traces, scars; 遺跡 remains (of buildings), ruins; 形跡 (of persons) traces, movements; 古跡 (oft. 古跡,古蹟) anc. relics or monuments; 心跡 inner feelings, sentiments; 奇跡,神跡 (oft. 蹟,跡) miracles; 異跡 strange phenomena; 陳跡 old marks of the past; 跡象 [ji1xiang4]↓.
| V.i. & t. | (1) V.t., search out, hunt or track down: 追跡 to look for (men, game, etc.); 跡盜 ferret out robbers; 跡捕 to shadow and arrest. (2) V.i., to follow: 不踐跡 not to follow the old rut. (3) V.i., make a study of, investigate: 跡漢功臣 study the history of great ministers of the Hahn Dyn.
| Words | 1. 跡象 [ji1xiang4], n., outward appearance, evidences.