释义 |
超超 | 190C30 11.83 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄔㄠ [chao1] | V.i. & t. | (1) (AC) to jump over, cross over: 超度 [chao1du0]↓; 超乘 (AC) jump aboard cart. (2) To surpass, exceed: 超過 [chao1guo4]↓; 超凡 [chao1fan2]↓; 超群 surpass one's fellows; 超乎 [chao1hu0]↓.
| Adj. | Super-, extra-, superior: 超越,超級 [chao1yUe4], [chao1ji2]↓; 超重 overweight; 超載 overload; 超量 extra capacity; 超速 extra speed; see many compp.↓.
| Words | 1. 超拔 [chao1ba2], (1) adj., outstanding (personality); (2) v.t., (Budd.) to save from sin or hell. 2. 超遷 [chao1qian1], v.t., formerly, to promote, be promoted, by special order and not routine. 3. 超群 [chao1qUn2], adj., as in 超群絕倫 far surpassing one's fellows. 4. 超等 [chao1deng3], adj. & n., superior grade (of goods, students); outstanding, eminent. 5. 超度 [chao1du0], v.t., (Budd.) to save from sin, esp. to say mass for deceased person: 超度眾生 to save mankind from the sea of misery which is life. 6. 超凡 [chao1fan2], phr., as in 超凡入聖 to overcome the material desires and attain sainthood. 7. 超格 [chao1ge2], (1) adj., extra-grade; (2) adv., as in 超格任用 promote a person specially and not by rank of service. 8. 超過 [chao1guo4], v.t., to surpass, exceed (normal number, expectations, etc.). 9. 超乎 [chao1hu0], v.t., goes beyond. 10. 超忽 [chao1hu1], adj., (LL) far distant. 11. 超豁 [chao1huo4], v.t., to exempt, pardon (from duty, punishment). 12. 超級 [chao1ji2], adj., super (quality); 超級強國 a superpower; 超級市場 supermarket. 13. 超卓 [chao1zhuo2], adj., eminent. 14. 超絕 [chao1jUe2], adj., unequalled, unexcelled. 15. 超倫 [chao1lun2], adj., (LL) above the average. 16. 超然 [chao1ran2], adj., detached, free, not involved, independent in point of view. 17. 超人 [chao1ren2], n., superman. 18. 超升 [chao1sheng1]1, v.t., see [chao1qian1]↑. 19. 超生 [chao1sheng1]2, v.t., (usu. beg to) spare life. 20. 超脫 [chao1tuo2], adj., see [chao1ran2]↑. 21. 超逸 [chao1yi4], adj., free, disentangled. 22. 超音速 [chao1yin1shu4], adj., & n., supersonic speed. 23. 超越 [chao1yUe4], v.t. & adj., to surpass, excel; surpassing, above the normal.