释义 |
趁趁 | 193C05 11.83 | 部居
| 畫數 12 | ㄔㄣˋ [chen4] . [Pop. ] | V.t. | (1) To take advantage of (opportunity, occasion, time, convenience, wind in sailing): forming phrr., indicating “while” (convenient, you are at it, etc.), see 趁早,趁便 [chen4zao3], [chen4bian4], etc.↓; 趁他還未來,我先告訴你 I am telling you first before he arrives; 趁風揚帆 hoist the sail while the wind is good; 趁火打劫 take advantage of a conflagration to loot--fish in troubled waters; 趁年輕時候 take advantage of youthful years to (learn, etc.); 趁時候,趁機會 take advantage of the time, opportunity. (2) To attend: 趁墟,趁集 attend the village fair (cf. 趕 11.83). (3) To take a boat: 趁船 (also 乘船). (4) To earn money: 趁錢 (related to 賺錢 41C.22). (5) To fulfill (wish): 趁心,趁願 [chen4xin1], [chen4yUan4]↓ (=稱).
| Words | 1. 趁便 [chen4bian4], adv., while convenient; without extra trouble. 2. 趁好 [chen4hao3], adv., opportunely. 3. 趁口 [chen4kou3], adv., as in 趁口胡說 speak thoughtlessly (=信口). 4. 趁亮(兒) [chen4liang4] ([er0]), adv., (travel) while there is yet sunlight. 5. 趁熱(兒) [chen1re4]([er0]), adv., (eat) while food is hot, strike while iron is hot. 6. 趁社 [chen4she4], v.i., to attend religious festival. 7. 趁心 [chen4xin1], v.i., have as one wishes: (=稱心如意). 8. 趁勢 [chen4shi4], adv., taking advantage of situation (as pursue enemy while on the run). 9. 趁食 [chen4shi2], v.i., (MC) make a living (related 賺 41C.22). 10. 趁此 [chen4ci3], adv., taking advantage of the present. 11. 趁早(兒) [chen4zao3]([er0]), adv., while there's yet time. 12. 趁願 [chen4yUan4], v.i., to have wish fulfilled.