

ㄑㄧˇ [qi3
N.(1)  Group: 一客人 one group of visitors who come together;
又一亂兵 another group of stray soldiers.
(2)  A happening, a batch, a time: 一日數 several happenings or times on one day;
第幾 which batch, time;
第二 the second batch, time.
V.i. & t.(1)  To stand up, get up: 滿坐滿 standing room also full;
床 get up from bed;
黎明而,雞鳴而 rise at dawn, at cock-a-doodle-do;
猛了 get up too early;
早睡晚 early to rise and late to bed;
個大早 rise very early;
(of patients) get well and leave bed;
一病不 fell ill and never recovered;
色,[qi3se4], [qi3xi2]2↓.
(2)  To rise, or cause to rise, to start (s.t.): 不作用 cause no reaction;
rise and do s.t. (as protest, revolt);
風 the wind rises;
火 to light, start, a fire;
了壞心,了邪念 start idea of doing s.t. wicked, evil thought;
予者商也 (AC) it is Shang who opens my mind (=啟);
紅點,泡 have, start a boil, a rash, a blister.
(3)  To begin or start: 頭,初,始,先, [qi3tou2], [qi3chu1], [qi3shi3], [qi3xian1]↓;
句 opening sentence;
訖 opening and conclusion, from … to …;
承轉合 the four movements in a formal essay--opening theme, follow-up expansion or clarification, further development and conclusion;
to start counting, interest, periodic payment: 算,息,[qi3suan4], [qi3xi2]1, [qi3zu1]↓.
(4)  To rise in height or value: 伏 the ups and downs of a cycle, the rise and fall;
落 ebb and flow (of tides), rise and fall (of waves, prices);
(5)  To call into office: 用 promote (person) from temporary obscurity.
(6)  To build a house: 房子 ditto;
茅屋臨江 a hut stands on the river bank.
(7)  To unload, to remove, to take up from a vault: 貨 to unload from shop;
臟 to unearth or discover booty in hiding place;
把地下銀子出來 to send for silver from the vault;
油 to take off oil stains from clothing;
瓶蓋 take off cap from bottle or tin.
(8)  To buy, provide a ticket: 票 buy a ticket;
行李票 get ticket for luggage;
卓 monk leaves temple or gets travel ticket to other monasteries.
Vb. suffix.A detachable suffix with the sense of “up”: 提這件事 to mention this matter;
提不來 cannot lift up;
to bring up a subject in talk;
,想來 think of;
妙計 think up a fine plan;
房子 to build up a house;
擔當不 cannot bear responsibility;
看他不 look down upon him;
這件事 start up this affair.
Prep.From … on: 這兒剪下來 cut (with scissors) from here;
從明天,你就別來了 from tomorrow on, you need not come again;
從前面算 counting from the front;
從一算 counting from one on;
從何說 how should I begin the story?
Words1. 壩(霸) [qi3ba4], v.i., (Chin. opera, of mil. officers) to adjust helmet and armor on entrance on stage.
2. [qi3bing4], v.i., to give a present to sick person to celebrate recovery: 送他一雙鞋給他病 give him a pair of shoes as celebration.
3. [qi3bing1], v.i., to rise in revolt; to make preparations for hostilities (on enemy).
4. [qi3cheng2], v.i., to start on journey.
5. [qi3qi4], n., opening and conclusion; from starting point to stop.
6. [qi3chu1], adv., at first, at the beginning.
7. [qi3chi4], v.i., (of birds) start (flapping wings) to fly away.
8. [qi2da3], v.i., (Chin. opera) to start a sham fight.
9. [qi2dian3], n., starting point.
10. [qi3duan1], n., beginning (of event, quarrel).
11. [qi3fei1], (1) v.i. & n., (airplanes) take off, depart, -ture; (2) n., quick progress, flying start: 經濟飛 economic takeoff.
12. [qi3fu4], v.i. & t., formerly, to resume official life and duties after parents' mourning period is over, cf. [qi3yong4]↓.
13. 稿 [qi2gao3], v.i., to draft (document, paper): 草稿,稿子.
14. 根兒 [qi3ge1er0], adv. phr., to begin with, fundamentally.
15. [qi3gong1], v.i., begin construction or other operation.
16. 鍋伙(兒) [qi3guo1huo0]([er0]), v.i., (coll.) to have mess together with fellow workers (also wr. 夥兒).
17. [qi3han4], v.i., take an overland route, to start foot journey.
18. [qi3hua1] (sp. pr. also [qi2hua0]), n., a fireworks unitied around a pole and fired in succession.
19. [qi3hong4], v.i., start a fight (among members of group).
20. [qi2huo3], v.i., (1) to start a fire (disaster); (2) to fume, become enraged: 火冒油 ditto.
21. [qi3jia1], (1) v.i., to build up a family fortune; (2) n., background of a person (such as family, origins).
22. [qi3jia4], (1) v.i., to rise in price; (2) n., the minimum price.
23. [qi3jian4], n., purpose or motive for certain action: 為什麼見 for what purpose or motive?
24. [qi3jiao4], v.i., to start trip in sedan chair.
25. [qi3jie4], v.i., to start sending prisoner away under escort.
26. [qi3jing4]1, (1) adv., (perform) with zest and vigor; (2) adj., elated, excited.
27. [qi3jing4]2, v.i., show respect (for person): 肅立敬 show respect by standing up.
28. [qi3jing1], v.i. & n., the beginning of any of the five watches of the night, see 更 31.82.
29. [qi3ji2], v.i., get impatient, get exasperated.
30. [qi3zhu4], n. & v.i., movement and rest; (calling.) way of starting a stroke and pausing in middle or end.
31. 重機 [qi3zhong4ji1], n., a derrick, a crane for lifting load.
32. [qi3jU1], n., daily life or living: 居安吉 (I hope) you are doing well; 居無恙 in good health; 居注 notes on daily life (of emperor).
33. [qi2zhi3], n., beginning and end of period or era.
34. [qi3kai1], v.i., (coll.) go away: 你開這裡 get away from here!
35. [qi3ke4], v.i., start session in divination.
36. [qi3lai2], (1) v.i., get up from bed; v.i., get up, arise; (2) vb. suffix, up: 拿來 take up; vb. 扛來 carry up on shoulder; vb. 檢 (拈) 來 pick up; vb. has meaning of “when” or “done”: 唱來很好聽 sounds beautiful when sung, or when s.o. sings; vb. 走來不方便 (a dress) is not easy for walking or when walking (too tight); vb. 看來事情不妙 it seems (“when seen”) we are in for some trouble, this matter will not be pretty; vb. 說來話長 it's a long story to tell (when told).
37. [qi3li4]1, v.i., to get on one's feet, stand up as respect.
38. [qi3li4]2, v.i., to start bearing interest.
39. [qi3luo4], v.i. & n., to be up and down; ups and downs (of prices).
40. 碼(兒) [qi2ma3]([er0]), adv., as the minimum, at the least; 碼貨 cheapest goods; 最碼條件 minimum conditions, requirements.
41. [qi3mao2], v.i., to weigh anchor.
42. [qi3mian4], n., (AC) fermented (flour, cake).
43. 名(子) [qi3ming2] ([zi0]), v.i., be given personal name: 他名叫 he (a child) is named….
44. [qi3ni4], v.i., be coying, sticky, annoying (child, etc.).
45. [qi3se4], v.i., get better (in illness), pick up (in business).
46. [qi3shen1], v.i., to start a journey; to get up in the morning: 身砲 (lit.) fireworks on departure; (fig.) an official gives promotions to staff before he leaves post.
47. 小兒 [qi2xiao3er0] phr., from childhood: 他小兒身體就強壯 he was healthy from childhood.
48. [qi3xian1], adv., at first (he did not approve, etc.).
49. [qi3xin4], v.i., to start hostilities, conflicts.
50. [qi3xing4], v.i. & n., (in poems) be inspired by s.t.; the inspiration.
51. [qi3xi2]1, v.i., start to bear interest, see [qi3li4]2↑.
52. [qi3xi2]2, v.i., to leave table during meal or conference: 大家席了 all the guests have left the dining table.
53. [qi3xing2], v.i., to start on journey.
54. [qi2shou3], v.i., to begin (work, operation, scuffle); v.i., 手兒 adv., at first.
55. [qi3shi4]1, v.i., to start rebellion or revolution, see [qi3yi4]1↓.
56. [qi3shi4]2, v.i., to swear, make an oath.
57. [qi2shi3], n., the beginning: 凡事始難 all things are difficult at the start.
58. [qi3suan4], v.i., start counting (days, numbers, etc.), counting from.
59. [qi3su4], v.i., lodge complaint at court.
60. [qi2si3], phr., 死回生 (of physicians) bring back to life and health.
61. 頭(兒) [qi3tou2] ([er0]), adv., at first, in the beginnings.
62. [qi2cao3], v.i., to draft, see [qi3gao3]↑.
63. [qi2tu3], v.i., (coll.) to take private profit: 經理辦事不要土 a manager should not take private profit in business.
64. [qi3zi0], n., (1) a screwdriver; (2) a can opener; (3) yeast.
65. [qi3zu1], phr., start paying rent (from date).
66. 坐(兒) [qi3zuo4]([er0]), phr., to rise from seat as form of respect: 這人連坐兒都沒有 this man doesn't know manners, even to get up to receive guests.
67. [qi3wo4], v.i., (proper time for) rising and going to bed.
68. [qi2wu3], v.i., to rise and dance in a happy mood.
69. [qi2yan3], v.i., attract attention: 不眼 (page make-up, advertisement) does not attract attention.
70. [qi3ye4], v.i., to get up at night and relieve nature.
71. [qi3yi4]1, v.i., to start revolution: 武昌義 the Wuchang Uprising in 1911.
72. [qi3yi4]2, v.i. & n., (have) idea (to do s.t.).
73. [qi3yin1], n., cause (of quarrel, war, etc.).
74. [qi3yi2], v.i. & t., begin to suspect.
75. [qi3yUan2], v.i. & n., originate origins (of events, clan, etc.) (also wr. 源).
76. [qi3yong4], v.t., to raise (person) to office.





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