释义 |
走走 | 188A15 11.83 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄗㄡˇ [zou3] | V.i. | (1) Go, walk: 行走 go on foot; 走路 ditto; 向前走 go straight ahead; 走道兒 a sidewalk, footpath; go by foot, a corridor; 走來走去 come and go, go and fro, back and forth; 走進走出 go in and out; 走得快,走得慢 go quickly, slowly; 走累了 tired by walking; 走倦了 ditto; 走去了 have gone away; 走不動 can't go, be unable to move; 走不慣 unaccustomed to walking; 走岔了 gone astray; 走下坡 down the slope, on the decline; 走迷了路 gone off the right track; 走脫 separated and lost contact; 走過一遭 go round once; 走攏 draw near to, approach; 競走 foot race; 走失 lose one's way; 走走 [zou3zou0]↓; 走溜兒 stroll back and forth; 走趟趟兒 ditto; 走南闖北 roam all over the country; 走遍天下 travel all over the world; 走黑道兒 walk in the dark at night; 走黑道兒的 a thief, a burglar; 走索 (acrobatics) walk the tightrope; 走軟繩 ditto; 走讀生 a student attending a day school; 飛沙走石 “flying sand and rolling pebbles,” said of violent windstorms; 走馬看花 take only a passing glance (at things, a new city, etc.); 走投 (頭) 無路 poor and utterly helpless (“with no one to depend on”). (2) Escape, run away, make off: 敗走 (of troops) be routed and retreat; 棄甲曳兵而走 (of troops) abandon arms and quit fighting. (3) Make a trip: 走訪 go to make a call; 走見 go to interview; 走候 go to pay one's respects (to a friend). (4) Leak out: 走風,走話 betray a secret; 走漏 [zou3lou4]↓; 走嘴 make an unguarded utterance. (5) Incur loss: 走味兒 (of food, wine, tobacco) become stale, lose flavor; 走顏色 discolor; 走樣 [zou3yang4]↓; 走板 (of singing) be out of tune; 走板兒 behave improperly; 走跡 (of houses, furniture) be out of shape with the lapse of time; 走高了腳 be puffed up with pride and behave abnormally. (6) Take one's leave, depart: 走開 go away; 他走了 he has left; 走不了 be unable to leave; 走不得 should not go; 走不脫 be unable to tear oneself away.
| Pron. | One's humble self: 下走 (MC) “your humble servant.”
| Words | 1. 走背運 [zou3bei4yUn4], phr., have back luck (also 走背字兒). 2. 走鏢 [zou3biao1], v.i., formerly, serve as a bodyguard on a journey. 3. 走筆 [zou2bi3], v.i., take the pen in hand and write. 4. 走不開 [zou3bu0kai1], v.i., (1) be unable to tear oneself away; (2) (of alleys) be too narrow to allow easy passage: 胡同兒太窄,走不開車 the alley is too narrow for carts to go through. 5. 走禽 [zou3qin2], n., birds that can only walk and not fly, as the ostrich, turkey. 6. 走動 [zou3dong4] ([zou3dong1]), v.i., (1) have social intercourse with friends, be socially active; (2) take a stroll: 走動走動; (3) (northern dial.) move one's bowels. 7. 走肚子 [zou3du4zi0], v.i., have loose bowels. 8. 走舸 [zou2ge3], n., (MC) a fast-sailing boat. 9. 走狗 [zou2gou3], n., (1) a hound; (2) (contempt.) a person running errands for another (“a running dog”). 10. 走好運 [zou2hao3yUn4], phr., have a spell of good luck. 11. 走會 [zou3hui4], v.i., to stage shows at religious festivals. 12. 走貨 [zou3huo4], v.i., transport goods (from one place to another). 13. 走火 [zou2huo3], v.i., (1) shortcircuited; (2) (of firearms) to fire accidentally. 14. 走著瞧 [zou3zhe1qiao2], phr., (of an undertaking) try and see how it works. 15. 走之兒 [zou3zhe3er0], n., the radical wr. as 之; index No. “83.” 16. 走摺 [zou3zhe2], n., (business) a cashbook. 17. 走江湖 [zou3jiang1hu0], phr., (of acrobats, dancers, singers) go from place to place to stage shows for a living. 18. 走集 [zou3ji2], n., (AC) a point of convergence. 19. 走局 [zou3jU2], n., =走會 [zou3hui4]↑. 20. 走廊 [zou3lang2], n., a veranda, corridor: 波蘭走廊 (history) the Polish Corridor. 21. 走了困 [zou3le0kun4], v.i. & n., be unable to sleep, insomnia. 22. 走漏 [zou3lou4], (1) v.i., engage in smuggling; (2) v.t., leak out: 走漏風聲 leak out a secret. 23. 走馬 [zou2ma3], (1) v.i., to dash past on horseback, (fig.) fast, swiftly; (2) n., a horse for riding in journeys, not for racing; n., 走馬 (兒) 燈 a lantern with rotating shadows; 走馬牙疳 an acute gumboil. 24. 走內線 [zou3nei4xian4], phr., bring influence to bear on s.o. through his close relatives. 25. 走票 [zou3piao4], n., a show staged by amateurs. 26. 走散 [zou3san4], v.i., (1) (of a crowd) disperse; (2) lose contact with companion. 27. 走扇 [zou3shan4], adj., (of door panels) unable to close properly. 28. 走解 [zou3xie4], v.i., do stunts on horseback. 29. 走斜道兒 [zou3xie2dao4er0], phr., patronize brothels. 30. 走心經 [zou3xin1jing0], phr., keep s.t. constantly in mind. 31. 走獸 [zou3shou4], n., animals, beasts (opp. 飛禽 birds). 32. 走水 [zou2shui3], (1) v.i., to catch fire; (2) n., ([zou3shui0]) a narrow band overhanging a curtain or other drapery. 33. 走私 [zou3si1], v.i. & n., smuggle, -ing. 34. 走走 [zou3zou0], v.i., (1) go for a stroll; (2) come or go in a gen. sense: 到我這裡走走 come to see me; 到他那裡走走 drop in on him. 35. 走卒 [zou3zu2], n., an errand boy, a non-commissioned officer or foot soldier. 36. 走無常 [zou3wu2chang2], n., a person claiming to be able to communicate with departed souls (pop. 走陰差). 37. 走樣 [zou3yang4], v.i., (1) be out of shape; (2) (of conduct) fail to conform to the norm. 38. 走陽 [zou3yang2], n., (med.) an involuntary discharge of semen. 39. 走油 [zou3you2], v.i. & t., (1) (of varnished furniture) lose luster; (2) to fry (fish, meat); (3) (of oily substance) to dry up; 走油子 (of plaster) oozing with oil.