释义 |
下- n.
位置在低处的used to indicate a low position 次序或时间在后的used to indicate something comes later in a sequence or occurs at a later time 下届 next session 下一部分 next part 下星期三 next Wednesday 下一个月 next month 下半年 second half of the year 下一站 next stop 下一步 next step 下一代 next generation 下一个是谁? Who's next?
在一定的范围、情况、条件内used to indicate a specific circumstance, condition, or situation 表示方面或方向used to indicate position or direction 表示当某个时节used to indicate a specific time period 年下 lunar new year 节下 on or near a festival
等次或品级低的used to indicate a lower rank or grade
- measure word
用于动作次数used to indicate the number of times an action is performed 用在“两、几”后面,表示本领、技能used after liang and ji to indicate skill or ability
- v.
由高到低to go from high to low 下山 descend a mountain 下楼梯 descend the stairs 下楼 go downstairs 下火车 get off a train 下轮船 disembark from a ferry 下矿井 go down a mine 顺流而下 float downstream
降落to fall 下露水 to drip dew 下雾 to be foggy 下毛毛雨 to drizzle 外面在下雨。 It's raining outside. 昨天下过雷雨。 Yesterday there was a thunderstorm. 只下了几滴雨就停了。 It stopped raining after a few drops. 正月里才下雪。 It won't rain till the first month of the lunar year.
颁发;投递to issue; to deliver 下命令 give an order 下通知 notify 下条子 give a note
进入to enter 退场to leave 放入to put in 下本钱 invest 下锚 to anchor 下面条 put noodles in 米下了锅。 The rice is in the pan.
卸除,取下to take away 下帆 lower a sail 下货 unload goods 把窗户下下来 take down the window 把俘虏的枪下了 disarm the prisoners
作出to make 下决心 make a resolution 下结论 reach a conclusion 下批语 make a comment 下定义 define 下注解 annotate
使用to make use of 下力气 exert oneself 下毒药 poison
动物生产;禽、虫、鱼产卵to give birth; to lay an egg 母鸡下蛋。 The hen lays an egg. 下小猪 give birth to a piglet 下小牛 give birth to a calf
攻陷to capture 退让to give in 少于to be less than 按时结束工作、学习to finish on time 低于to be lower than 进行to commence
- adv.
向下面to go lower