释义 |
其- pron.
他的,他们的his; her; its; their 他,他们he; she; it; they 促其实现 urgently bring it about 订了计划就必须使其及时完成。 Since there is a plan, it should be completed on time. 事情很重要,不能任其自流。 This matter is very important, do not let it slide.
那个;那样that; such 而实际上并无其事。 In reality there is no such thing. 不堪其苦 cannot bear such suffering 不乏其人。 There is no lack of such people.
虚指used in a rhetorical sense to refer to nothing in particular 大请其客 entertain lavishly 日见其多 increasing day by day
- auxiliary word
表示揣测、反问used for conjectures or questions asked in reply to something 岂其然乎? How can it be like this? 其奈我何? What can they do to me?
表示命令used for commands