释义 |
高兴愉快而兴奋happy 我为他的新成就感到高兴。 I am very happy at his new achievement. 他们高兴地接受了邀请。 They happily accepted the invitation. 这有什么可以高兴的! What is there to be happy about in this? 不要高兴得太早。 Don't get happy too early. 他心里不高兴。 He is unhappy. 大家渐渐地高兴起来了。 Everyone gradually cheered up. 孩子们高高兴兴地在院子里玩。 The children are happily playing in the yard.
乐意to be happy to 帮助人家我总是高兴的。 I am always very happy to help. 这要看我高兴不高兴。 It depends if I feel like it. 你高兴去就去吧。 If you want to go then just go. 我不高兴听这些废话。 I don't like listening to this hot air.