释义 |
- n.
- v.
鼓动翅膀在空中活动;飞行to fly 鸟儿在飞 the birds are in flight 鸟儿飞往树林去了。 The birds are flying towards the forest. 鸟群飞向南方。 The flock of birds is flying south. 低飞 fly at low altitude 试飞 test flight 飞了一千公里 fly 1,000 km 飞满一万公里 fly a full 10,000 km 乘飞机飞遍全国 fly all over the country by plane 飞机朝着北京方向飞去。 The plane is flying in the direction of Beijing. 飞机飞离北京。 The plane is flying away from Beijing. 明天有飞机飞上海。 There's a flight tomorrow to Shanghai. 他飞也似的向家中跑去。 He raced back home. 子弹、手榴弹一齐飞向敌人。 Bullets and hand grenades hailed down on the enemy.
在空中飘浮to float 飞雪 falling snow 飞雪花了。 It's snowing. 飞云 floating clouds
挥发to volatilize
- adj.
快swift 意外的unexpected
- adv.