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陪练陪伴训练to accompany in training 王某自称刚拿到驾照不敢开车上网求“陪练”。 Wang X says that after getting their licence, they still did not dare to drive so went on the Internet to find someone to accompany them in training. 陪练人员默默奉献 silent dedication of training partners
陪伴训练的人training partner 两位旅英名将梁文博和刘闯也来训练地点,担当陪练。 Two famous players residing in the UK, Liang Wenbo and Liu Chuang, also came to the training location to act as training partners. 就连那些给梦之队充当陪练的球员也是精挑细选。 Even the players acting as the training partners of the dream team have been rigorously selected.