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阳光sunlight 形容人健康开朗、充满活力sunny 他阳光、健康的形象,低调、高品位的独特人格魅力,代表了中国年轻进取型精英的风范,与沃尔沃的车主形象高度契合。 His sunny and healthy image and the unique charm of his understated and tasteful personality represents a model for Chinese upwardly-mobile elite youth, and is highly in keeping with the image of a Volvo owner. 象他这样的选手在中国是很少见的,除了其本身成绩之外,其阳光健康的形象为其身价的提升增色不少。 Athletes like him are rarely seen in China. Apart from his own achievements, his sunny and healthy image has contributed a lot to the increase in his net worth.
事物现象等公开、公正、透明open 这种公平和科学的阳光操作方式,既保护了市场,又保护了经销商,还保护了消费者的利益。 This fair, scientific, and open way of operating not only protects the market, but also protects dealers and the interests of consumers. 与有着灰色收入的公务员相比,奉公尽职拿很低的“阳光工资”的公务员,从而成了事实上的受害者。 When compared to public servants with grey income, public servants who discharge their duties to the best of their ability in service of the public and take only a low, transparent wage have thus become the real victims.