释义 |
辩称分辨称说to argue against 13名被起诉的“省议员”,对贿选、受贿等指控矢口否认,或称“毫不知情”,或辩称接受助选经费不算受贿。 The 13 “provincial representatives” that stand accused of electoral fraud and taking bribes denied the charges of their accusers, saying they were “completely ignorant of the facts” or arguing that accepting campaign funds was not equal to bribery. 被告辩称,背背佳与英姿带目标一致,但结构、材料、外观均明显有别于英姿带。 The accused argued that the Babaka and Yingzidai products had the same purpose, but in terms of design, materials and appearance the Babaka was obviously different to that of Yingzidai.