释义 |
跑- v.
奔to run 往上跑 run up 往下跑 run down 拼命跑 run as fast as one can 跑到前面 run to the front 跑得上气不接下气 be breathless from running 我们整整跑了一夜。 We've been running all night long. 赶快跑呀! Hurry up and get running! 他跑得快,我没能追上。 He was running too fast. I couldn't catch him. 火车在飞跑。 The train is flying along. 有一个孩子在我身旁很快地跑过去了。 A child sprinted right past me.
逃走to flee 撒腿就跑 run away 没地方跑 nowhere to run 看你往哪里跑! Where are you running off to?! 别让小偷跑了! Don't let the thief get away! 俘虏想跑,但是没有跑成。 The prisoner wanted to escape but couldn't.
走<方>to walk 为某事奔走to run around doing things 漏出to leak 挥发to evaporate