释义 |
起- measure word
件,次used for incidents 群,批group; batch
- prep.
在时间或处所词之前,表示始点<方>used in front of a time or location word to indicate a starting point 在处所词前面,表示经过的地点<方>used in front of a noun of location to show that something is passing it
- v.
参见:起来 离开to leave 你起开点儿。 Could you step aside?
上升to rise 长出to appear 把东西弄出来to remove 发生to happen 起风了 the wind has got up 起误会 create a misunderstanding 起作用 have an effect 时间起着作用 time has an effect 心里忽然起了个念头 suddenly have an idea pop into one's mind 形势起了变化 the situation has changed
发动to launch 拟写to draft 起稿子 make a draft 起绰号 give a nickname
建立to build 领取to collect 起护照 collect one's passport 起船票 collect a boat ticket
开始to start 从今天起 starting from today 从现在起 from now on 从那时起 from that time on 打这儿起 from here on 从出生时起 starting at birth
用在动词后,表示开始used after a verb to indicate the action is beginning 用在动词后,表示向上used after a verb to indicate upward motion 用在动词后,表示力量够得上used after a verb to indicate possibility 经得起考验 can stand up to tests
用在动词后,表示事物随动作出现used after a verb to show that something comes in to being as a result of the action 用在动词后,表示动作涉及人或事used after a verb to indicate that someone or something is involved in the action