释义 |
语法化一种语言现象。最早由法国语言学家Meillet提出,是指语言中有词汇意义的成分逐渐转化为只有语法意义而无词汇意义的成分grammaticalization 本书收集了20篇国内语法化研究成果,学术价值极高。 This book collects 20 domestic articles on research into grammaticalization, and has an extremely high academic value. 北京华文学院成盈秋努力探求翻译经典著作中语法化等级较复杂的高频词的合理途径。 Cheng Yingqiu of the Beijing College of Chinese is striving to explore the rational paths of relatively complex levels of grammaticalization of frequently used words in translated classic works.