释义 |
蒙混过关原指虽手续不健全,但通过花言巧语混过关卡;现指不交待自己的问题或不真实交待自己的问题,欺骗组织和群众,企图混过审查的行为to slip by 稍有常识的人都知道,产品交易量越大,问题产品越容易蒙混过关。 People with a little common sense know that the greater the volume of traded products, the easier it is for products with problems to slip through unnoticed. 不良企业之所以能够一次次蒙混过关,是因为监管者并未认真履职,严格执法。 The reason bad businesses can go unpunished time and again is because regulators do not carry out their duties conscientiously or strictly enforce the law.