释义 |
落- n.
停留处place where one stops over 聚居处settlement
- v.
掉下to fall 下降to go down 太阳落山了。 The sun has set. 河水落了。 The river's water level is low. 月亮还没有落。 The moon has not yet set. 小鸟落在树枝上。 The small bird alighted on a branch. 幕落下来了。 The curtain came down. 到处落满了灰尘。 Everywhere was covered in dust. 桌上落了一层厚厚的尘土。 A thick layer of dust settled on the table. 货物落价了。 Goods fell in price.
使下降to lower 衰败to decline 遗留在后面to fall behind 停留,留下to stop over or to leave behind 归属to fall onto 政权落在人民手里了。 State power rests in people's hands. 责任落在我们身上。 Responsibility falls on our shoulders. 这个任务就落在你的身上了。 This assignment falls on your shoulders. 光荣任务落到我们组里。 Completion of the glorious task falls on our group. 重担落到我们身上。 A heavy burden rests on our shoulders.
得到to receive 我不愿落埋怨。 I am unwilling to take the blame. 这落不了好儿。 It will not be well received. 不想竟落到这样的结果。 Could not expect to get such a result. 他也落到一点好处。 He also received some good profits.
陷入to sink into 用笔写to write with pen