释义 |
臭- adj.
难闻smelly 臭水 foul water 臭鸡蛋 rotten eggs 臭鱼 smelly fish 鱼臭了。 The fish has gone bad. 臭不可闻 unbearable stink
惹人厌恶的disgusting 拙劣lousy 子弹坏的<方>dud 子弹臭了。 The bullets are duds.
- adv.
狠狠地severely 埋怨、讽刺、挖苦to mock somebody 我们大家都是朋友,绝对不会臭你的。 We are all friends. We would never make a dig at you. 把没有立案、没有根据的东西传出去,先臭你一顿再说。 Sully your name by spreading stories that haven't been filed for investigation and are unfounded.