释义 |
侨办“华侨事务办公室”的简称Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs 我国政府、教委、侨办的慰问电 telegram of sympathy from the Chinese government, Education Committee, and Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs 国务院侨办主任。 Director of the Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs of the State Council.
华侨投资兴办(企业)to invest in and run 采取官办、民办、侨办、联办等开发形式,走出一条具有福州特色的建区之路。 Make use of many development forms, including official operations, private operations, overseas Chinese operations, and joint operations, to beat a path towards district construction with Fuzhou's characteristics. 积极支持民办、侨办高等学校 positively support higher education colleges that are privately run or run by overseas Chinese