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空中芭蕾飞行表演的美称;跳水运动的美称aerial ballet 传统风筝有上百种同场亮相,运动风筝还有编队表演“空中芭蕾”。 There were over a hundred types of traditional kites appearing at the same site. Some stunt kites were organized into teams to perform an "aerial ballet". 八一飞行表演队,演绎出世界一流的“空中芭蕾”。 The Bayi aerobatics team performed an "aerial ballet" at a top global level. 如果想知道怎样欣赏跳水运动,弄清人们为什么称它是“空中芭蕾”,得从一些基本规则谈起。 If one wants to know how to appreciate diving and understand why people call it "aerial ballet", one most start with some basic rules.