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种苗供大面积栽植用的植物幼苗;某些初生的饲养动物品种【农】seedling 给这些农民提供种苗,传授种植技术等方面的服务。 Give these farmers services such as providing seedlings and passing on planting techniques. 全国蝴蝶兰种苗生产看福建漳州。 For national butterfly orchid seedling production, look no further than Zhangzhou, Fujian province. 尽管我国水产种苗为全国水产养殖作出了巨大的贡献,但与目前水产养殖业的实际需求还很不适应。 Although Chinese aquaculture seedlings have made a huge contribution to aquaculture across the country, they are still not suited at all to the real needs of the aquaculture industry at present. 2004年以来,海大经过五年多的摸索,在鱼、虾种苗培育方面取得了突破,培育的草鱼、鲫鱼等苗种具有明显的生长优势和抗病优势。 After five years of explorations beginning in 2004, Ocean University has made a breakthrough in the area of fish and shrimp seedling cultivation. The seedlings they nurtured, including grass carp and crucian carp, have clear advantages in growth and disease resistance.