释义 |
体会体验领会to come to understand 切身体会到 understand from personal experience 体会劳动人民的思想感情 come to understand the thoughts and feelings of the working people 这件事使我体会到...。 This has helped me to understand. 他开始体会到劳动的重要性。 He has started to understand the importance of work. 我一下子体会不出他的话是什么意思。 For a moment I didn't understand what he meant.
对事物的领会understanding 交流体会 exchange understandings 我们的主要体会 our key realization 有切身体会 have first-hand experience 有深刻体会 have a profound understanding 体会不深 have a basic understanding 谈谈个人体会 talk about personal experiences 这只是我个人的体会。 This is just my personal understanding. 经过几年工作,我有这么一点体会。 After working for several years I have this little experience.