释义 |
爬- v.
昆虫等蠕动或人用手脚着地向前移动to crawl 爬到桌子底下 crawl under the table 爬下树 crawl down the tree 往窗里爬 crawl in through the window 从窗子里往外爬 crawl out through the window 悄悄地爬近战壕 quietly crawl closer to the trenches 孩子在地板上爬来爬去。 The child crawled around on the floor.
往上爬to climb 爬树 climb a tree 爬梯子 climb a ladder 爬上宝座 ascend to the throne 想爬上...地位 hope to ascend to the position of 爬得高,跌得重。 The higher one climbs, the harder one falls. 红军在长征途中爬雪山过草地。 The Red Army crossed meadows and climbed snowy peaks on the Long March.
起床to get out of bed